•14~ I Love you•

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"Ken where are we going?" You asked your white haired boyfriend as he dragged you by your arm.

He stopped to hold your hand, then begun walking by your side.

"Somewhere..." He said, gazing off into the distance.

You did too. You watched as the sun begun to set. It looked beautiful, all different shades of pink, mixed with orange and a hint of light red.

Your eyes sparkled as you stared up at the sky. "It's beautiful..." You whispered.

Kaneki turned his head to you and nodded, "It is... But not as beautiful as you."

You blushed and pouted, making Kaneki chuckle and grip onto your hand.

"Y/n." Kaneki said.

You turned to face your boyfriend.

"What is it?" You asked.

"Thank you." Kaneki said with a smile, making your heart flutter.

You raised an eyebrow. "Eh? What for?"

"Coming back." Kaneki responded, his adorable smile remained on his god-like face.

You smiled back. "Of course... I wasn't planning on staying with them any longer."

"How was it there?" Kaneki asked out of interest.

You sighed and looked down at your feet, "It was okay... I got asked to do this mission, and it was to eradicate you, Touka and Nishiki. Of course I wasn't going to do it."

Kaneki's eyes widened. "Where all of your missions like that?"

You bit your lip and replied, "Uhm... A few, yes."

"Did people know you where a ghoul?"

"Yeah, that's why they always used to talk about me." You said with a frown.

Kaneki looked at you. "They were just jealous."

You chuckled. "They shouldn't be."

"We're here." Kaneki said, snapping you out of your thoughts.

Your head moved upwards to see your surroundings.

Your eyes widened and sparkled at what you saw...

It was a beautiful park, with a wonderful water fountain, and rippling streams.

"It's... Amazing..." You whispered, amazed. How did Kaneki know about this place?

Kaneki smiled at your reaction.

You and him walked over to the fountain, and once you let go of his hand, you placed your hand on the edge of it, leaning to look down at the water. You giggled as you saw your reflection.

"Kaneki, why did you bring me here?" You asked.

Kaneki blushed slightly and admitted, "I missed your smile. I wanted to make you happy."

You smiled and walked over to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you.

Kaneki smiled and wrapped his warm arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your heart beat faster as his body pressed against yours.

Then, you two just gazed into eachothers eyes, each getting lost in a paradise.

Kaneki bought one hand up to caress your cheek gently as you bought your hands down, resting them on his chest.

He carried on gazing into your eyes with a smile on his gorgeous face as he stroked your cheek, earning a blush from you.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are, Y/n..." Kaneki whispered, his hot breath dancing on your neck as he lowered his head to whisper in your ear.

Heat erupted from your cheeks as your heart hammered in your chest. Why was he like this?

"K-ken, why are you like this?" You stuttered.

Kaneki didn't move. His head stayed near your ear.

"Your doing this to me..." He whispered in your ear again, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.

"W-what am I doing to you?" You asked.

"I don't know..." Kaneki admitted, kissing underneath your ear.

You blushed red. "Kaneki, why are you doing this?"

"Because I love you so much." Kaneki replied, kissing your neck lightly.

"Your the best thing that's happened to me..."

"I love you more than words and actions can describe..."

"Can I kiss you?"

"I'll never leave you again..."

"God, your so beautiful..."

"What did I do to deserve you...?"

"Y/n, I love you."

Kaneki said all of those nice things whilst planting sweet and soft kisses on your neck.

You blushed up at him. "Kaneki, kiss me..."

"Your wish is granted, my princess." Kaneki replied with a smirk, making you bite your lip.

Kaneki's eyes darkened. "Don't do that."

You decided to tease him, so, you did it again. "Why not?" You asked innocently.

Kaneki growled, making you jump a bit. "Your too beautiful when you do that. Stop doing this to me."

You giggled and said, "Okay."

"Do you still want me to kiss you?" Kaneki asked, dragging his tounge along his lips as he smirked, pulling you closer to him by your waist.

"Yes..." You admitted, your eyes sparkling.

Kaneki cupped both of your cheeks with his hands as he lowered his head, his breath bouncing onto your slightly parted lips.

He smiled at you before pressing his soft lips against yours.

He closed his eyes as you did the same, kissing him back as your hands traveled up his neck and into his white, fluffy hair.

Kaneki pressed his lips on more, making you blush.

After kissing for a few more moments, you and Kaneki pulled away, both blushing messes.

"Y/n, I love you." Kaneki smiled.

You smiled back, "I love you too, Kaneki."

And with that, Kaneki bought you closer and kissed you again, as the sun set in the beautiful pink, orange and red sky. Kaneki's lips never left yours.

(Sorry for the short chapter.)

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