•33~ The dress•

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After your phone call with Kaneki, you went back into your friends living room to see her giggling and typing away on her computer.

"What are you doing?" You asked, folding your arms over your chest as you stopped next to her.

She gasped and jumped, almost falling off of her seat, which made you laugh.

"AHH! Y/n, you almost gave me a heart attack! How long have you been there for!?" Your friend panicked, fear in her eyes.

"Oh, not long. But I can see your up to something." You said with a mischievous grin, making (Friend's name) gulp.

"I'm not doing anything..." She whispered, fiddling with her fingers, something she's do everytime she lied about something.

"Stop lying," You smirked, reaching over before grabbing her computer from the table she was sat at, making her gasp in shock, "Tell me the truth."

"H-hey, give me my computer back!" She shouted, trying to grab it off of you, but you quickly swerved away from her, your smirk growing wider as you looked at her screen.

"Texting Hide, I see?" You chuckled, scrolling through her messages before she blushed furiously and grabbed her computer back, slamming the device back down on the table.

"Your so nosy!" (Friend's name) said, frustrated.

"I'm sorry, I just knew you were lying about something!" You chuckled, winking at your friend.

"Look, nothing is going on between us." Your friend tried to defend herself.

You wiggled your eyebrows. She always hated it when you did that to tease her.

"Mmmmh, sure, (Friend's name), because it totally doesn't seem like your flirting with him." You explained, moving closer to the h/c haired girl, who immediately stood up from her seat, glaring at you.

"Am I not allowed to talk to someone?" She clicked her tounge.

You smirked at her once again. "You are... But I can sense something going on~"

This only made her blush more. She put her head down and stuttered, "B-baka! I already told you, nothing is happening between us!"

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind when you come to me saying that your pregnant." You laughed, making (Friend's name) gasp and go red in the face before slapping you on your arm.

"I hate you!" She yelled, clearly embarrassed.

"Aw, I love you too." You joked, pinching her now flaming cheeks.

She just pouted at you, averting her gaze somewhere else.

|Time skip|

After teasing your best friend, you and her decided that it may be a good idea to invite Irimi, Hinami and Touka over to help you find a dress.

"You know you have to wear dresses as well." You said to your friend as you two waited for the others to come.

She nodded. "I know. Good luck with getting Touka into one."

"I'll make her." You chuckled.

"Have you and Kaneki decided on a colour?" (Friend's name) asked, making you nod.

You two just decided to keep it simple, but somehow elegant.

"Baby blue." You replied with a small smile. The colour reminded you of the big, blue sky, and made you think of freedom; almost as if you could fly.

(I do apologize if you do not like baby blue.)

"That's beautiful. I'm already so excited!~" (Friends name) squealed, making you laugh.

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