•34~ Touka's disagreement•

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"You want this one?" A familiar voice asked from behind you.

You gasped and turned around to see Touka with Hinami, Irimi and (Friend's name.)

You turned your head back to the dress, then back to your friends, your smile growing wider.

"Yes." You answered.

Touka clicked her tounge and walked over to the dress, harshly pulling at the label, making you gulp.

"And how the hell are you gonna pay for this, may I ask?" Touka asked, annoyance clear in her voice.

Oh yeah, the price... You thought, mentally slapping yourself. You had forgotten to check the price of the wedding dress.

As Touka handed you the label, your eyes widened as you stared directly at it.

That was too much, and of course you didn't have that money, but for some reason, the only words you managed to mutter out of your mouth were,

"I'll be able to pay for it."

This made everyone burst out laughing; making you glare at all of them.

Wow, thanks for the support guys. You thought, whilst rolling your eyes.

"H-how are you going to pa-y for t-that?" Irimi practically gasped through laughs.

You gave them all intense glares, making them gulp and stare at you dead in the eye.

"I will figure out a way." You sighed, rubbing your temples.

"Have you found a dress?~" Another calm and soothing voice asked from beside you.

Turning your head, your eyes were met with familiar, honey brown eyes.

"I-i have, actually..." You mumbled as the co worker followed to where your eyes were trailing off to.

He suddenly gasped, making you snap your head towards him in am instant.

"Darling, dear god. This dress is out most beautiful one!~ unfortunately, it is quite expensive..." He muttered the last bit.

Hm, you don't say? You thought, a small sigh escaping your lips.

"Yes... I figured that out. I have no clue how I'm going to pay for it... But it's the one I really want." You explained, looking down sadly at the floor. Sure, the other dresses were nice, but this one was something different.

"Now, now dear. Don't be so sad." The co worker said, smiling as he patted your shoulder gently.

"I will just lower the price for you." He grinned.

You, including your friends, gasped.


"You heard me, I'll lower the price." He repeated again.

Your eyes went wide as your mouth hung open slightly.

Noticing that, you quickly shut it and blinked a few times.

"B-but... You can't!" You argued.

"And why not? I do work here." He said, fiddling with the label that was on the dress.

"But..." You begun, but the brown eyed male cut you off.

"It goes on sale tomorrow, so why not just buy it for a cheaper price now? I'm sure my boss won't mind." He explained.

"You don't have too..." You whispered.

"Oh, I know I don't have to, miss. But I want too." He smiled, hooking the dress off.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now