•7~ Starting the Mission•

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A/N: I'm sorry for not updating in a while, I've been busy with other stories and some other things. Thank you for being patient with me.

-This may be a long chapter (?)-

"Here you go!" Tooru said with a smile, holding out a few photographs in front of her.

You stared at them before looking into her green eyes. "How are they supposed to help?"

Tooru giggled and stuffed them into both of your arms before saying, "So you know where to find them, dummy!"

You couldn't bare to look at the photos. The photos of your friends, and your lover.

"Take a look at them."

Your eyes widened at the words that slipped out of Mutsuki's mouth.

"T-tooru..." You whispered, tears filling up in your eyes.

In a way, you were thankful, but after looking at them, you would feel instant regret.

"What's wrong? You seem upset." Tooru stated, walking closer to you.

You clutched the photos and stepped backwards, gulping as she raised her eyebrows.

"I-i'm not upset." You lied, pulling one of your fake smiles.

"I know when your lying." Tooru said, crossing her arms over her chest.

You sighed and replied, "I'm just... So excited for the mission."

Tooru didn't look convinced. "Then why did you look like you were about to cry?"

"Tooru, please." You said, folding your fingers around the photographs that you were holding.

Tooru nodded and asked, "Is there anything else you need?"

You shook your head and said, "No, this is great. Thank you." Then smiled after.

Tooru smiled back and bowed. You bowed politely after.

|Time skip|

After leaving the Chateau, you kept hold of the photographs that you hadn't dared to look at yet.

You begun walking back to the CCG headquarters, which wasn't far away from where the Chateau was.

After arriving, the doors opened and you walked inside, looking at the bundle of CCG investigators that scattered and hurriedly walked all over the place.

It was then, when you heard someone call your name out.


You turned your head to the direction you thought your name was being called.

A smile pulled on your lips as you saw Akira, running over to you, her high heels echoing as they slammed onto the floor.

"Hey, Akira-San!" You greeted with a smile.

She returned the smile after stopping in front of you and catching her breath.

"What's wrong?" You asked, rasing an eyebrow.

Akira grinned and said, "I just wanted to see how things were going."

"They are all going well, I suppose." You replied, brushing your fingers over the corners of the photographs.
Akira noticed and looked down, asking, "What have you got there?"

You gulped before answering, "U-uh... Something to help me with the case."
Akira smirked and held her hand out.
"Let me see."

You sighed and handed her the photos, your hands shaking slightly.
Akira flipped through them all quickly, an amused smile forming on her pink lips.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now