•46~ The best feeling•

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"I'm... Pregnant..."

Those were the only two words that ran through Kaneki's mind repetitively. Nothing else could be heard. All the sounds around him were blocked out, and he couldn't focus.

Him, a father? Never in his life did he think that he would ever get the opportunity to be a father. He had no experience whatsoever, and unfortunately didn't have a father figure in his life growing up.

He never really considered it, or even thought about it.

Heck, he thought that Yamori would kill him through all that torture, and he wouldn't even get the chance to become a father.

Kaneki didn't know what to say or do. His emotions were all around the place. His stomach got twisted up in tight knots, and his vision kept on becoming blurry, as well as his heart thumping loudly in his chest, so loudly that he could hear it pumping through his ears.

He was over the moon.

No feeling could describe what he was feeling right now.

He was excited to be a father to the little ghoul that you would be giving birth to in a few months.

He was happy that he was alive to live this moment.

And he was sure that he was going to give this child the life that he or she deserves. Not the life that he or you had growing up. They deserved loving parents, good friends and a great life.


Kaneki snapped out of his train of thought as he heard your soft voice once again.

He slowly looked into your eyes that held fear and concern.

"Y/n," Kaneki barely whispered, placing his hand on top of yours, "I'm so happy."

Your eyes lit up and the corners of your mouth turned into a huge smile. "Really? You mean it?"

Kaneki nodded and grinned down at you, a small tear of happiness sliding gently down his cheek. "Oh I am, Y/n. So happy. And I mean it. Never have I ever imagined being a father. It's a real blessing to finally have a family with you."

Tears of joy and happiness filled your eyes as you wrapped your arms around Kaneki's back and sobbed into his warm chest.

Kaneki let a few tears escape his eyes as he held you closely to him, both of your pouring all of your happy emotions out.

It was surely a new start. You a mother, and him a father.

No, it wouldn't be like all of those fake happy family's that you always see, but you and Kaneki were willing to make sure that your child had the best life that they could possibly live. Even if it meant dying for them.

Kaneki still held you in his strong arms as you gently layed your head on his chest and listened to his calm and steady heartbeat, making you feel at ease.

Your husband then lifted your face up by your chin and gazed down into your e/c eyes that were looking up into his eyes.

Kaneki smiled at you before leaning down to connect your lips together in a sweet and meaningful kiss. Happiness, joy and excitement pouring into it from both of you.

You snaked your hands up to his neck and draped them around it, pulling him closer, occasionally tugging on a few strands of his soft, white snowy hair.

After breaking the kiss, Kaneki caressed your cheek gently and whispered, "I love you, Y/n. Thank you for providing me with this family."

You smiled and replied, "I love you too, Kaneki... There's no need to thank me."

And with that, Kaneki leaned down to capture your lips once more, kissing you with so much love an emotion.


Ah, short chapter. I'll try and make the next one longer to make up for this one. :)

Only a few more chapters left, then this book will be finished!!! 🤫😮

I have enjoyed writing this book so much, and I'm so sorry that I'll be finishing it...

But I do have a surprise for all of you after a few chapters, so I hope you can wait for that.

Well, apart from that, Author-Chan is out~


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