•6~ Something that may help•

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{Your POV}

I was just on my way to talk to Juuzou about or mission when someone collided into me.
I gasped as I started to fall forward, all of my papers and files flying out of my hands, and falling onto the floor.

That's when I heard a small scream, followed by a gasp and a thud on the floor.
After falling, I quickly pushed myself up and rubbed my head in pain, because it was throbbing.

After opening my eyes, I leaned back on my hands and breathed, processing what just happened.
I looked right a bit and saw another female CCG investigator with green hair on the floor, arms spread out.
She groaned in pain as I slowly stood up, abandoning my papers and walking over to the female that I believe I've once seen before.

Crouching down next to her, I placed my hand on her back and asked, "Hey, are you alright? I'm really sorry."
She begun to slowly sit up, so I helped her.
Once I saw her face, it dawned on me.

It was Tooru Mutsuki, part of the Quinx squad.

"Tooru!" I gasped as she rubbed her head and opened her eyes.
Her green eyes widened a bit as she looked up at me." Y/n!" She gasped, scrambling back a bit.

I giggled and said, "Hello."
"I'm so sorry!" She said, picking up my papers.
I stood up and walked over to her." You don't have to do that." I said to her.
Tooru shook her head and said, "I want too, after all, I bumped into you... What can I do to make it up to you?"

"You don't need to do anything." I replied, taking my papers and case files from her hands.
I helped her up as we both dusted down out uniform, making ourselves look more presentable.

How no one saw what happened, I will never know.

"Hey... Aren't you and Investigator Suzuya taking part in trying to find eyepatch and other ghouls?" Tooru asked, her green eyes shimmering in amazement.

I giggled and nodded as she gasped and said, "That's amazing!"
"I guess..." I mumbled, although on the inside, I felt as if my heart was being torn apart.

That's when Tooru's eyes widened a bit, as if she had suddenly remembered something important.
"What is it?" I asked, starting at my friend.
She blinked a few times before replying, "I have some things back at the Chateau that may help you with your case."

{Normal POV}

You smiled and replied, "Really?"
Tooru smiled and nodded, "Yep! I could get them now if you'd like."
"May I come?" You asked.
Tooru nodded, but then groaned, "My legs hurt..."

You thought for a moment before grinning and replying, "Would you like to get there quicker?"
Tooru raised an eyebrow in confusion as she said, "What? You don't drive, do you?"

You grinned again. "I'm not talking about driving."

"Then what are you talking about?"

You held out your hand before looking around. Luckily, no one was in sight.
"Please, trust me." You said with a small smile.
Tooru nodded and grabbed your hand.

"You may feel a bit dizzy after this." You say as you closed your eyes.
Tooru was left in utter confusion, but she'd just have to see what will happen.

|At the Chateau|

Saiko groaned in annoyance and furiously pressed the buttons on her controller, staring intensely at the TV screen, that had her favourite video game on screen.

Shirazu was on the sofa, bored out of his brain whilst staring up at the ceiling.

And Urie... Was lecturing the two of them.

"Do you know, that in order to be a good investigator-" Urie was cut off by a thudding sound on the floor.

Saiko and Shirazu gasped with wide eyes as you appeared in the Chateau, Tooru clinging to your arm with a scared expression on her face.

You had teleported.

"What the hell!?" Urie shouted, his eyes widening.

"W-what just happened...?" Saiko asked, blinking a lot whilst staring at the two of you.

You chuckled and replied, "I teleported."

"Why did you do that?" Shirazu asked, staring at you and Mutsuki.

"Because Mutsuki said her legs ache, so I was being kind." You explained, flashing a smile at Shirazu, who smiled back.

Urie, on the other hand, had a furious look on his face.
You glared at him as he shouted, "Why did you do that!? I thought you were banned from teleporting after you joined the CCG! And look at Mutsuki, she's frightened!"

You patted Tooru's head as she slowly let go of you. You grinned, "She's fine."

Urie clicked his tounge and narrowed his eyes, waiting for you to carry on.

"And yes, I was banned... Well, not banned, they said I was allowed to use it, but only if it was an emergency."

"And was it an emergency?" Shirazu wondered.

You nodded and giggled, "Yes, because Tooru's legs were aching."

Urie stormed out of the room with Mutsuki running and calling after him.

You crossed your arms over your chest and said, "Do you guys know what could help me?"

The blue and ginger haired boy and girl looked at you with confused looks.
You sighed and shook your head, "Don't worry..."

Saiko nodded and went back to playing her video game, and Shirazu stood up from the sofa to go to his room.
"See you, Y/n." He said before walking out of the room.
You waved at him before he dissapeared.

"Saiko-Chan, where's Mutsuki?" You asked, staring at the small, blue haired girl, who was stuffing sweets in her mouth whilst tapping buttons on her controller.

She put it down and turned to look at you, still chewing on her sweets.
"She ran after Urie... Go find her."
You clicked your tounge and shot a glare at Saiko before leaving the room.

"Tooru!" You shouted, looking around.
It was then, a green haired ghoul with an eyepatch appeared from another room.
She looked at you and said, "Sorry!"
You smiled and replied, "It's okay."
"So, what did you want?" Tooru asked.

"What can help me?" You asked.
Tooru thought before saying, "Oh! That's right. Come to my room."
You nodded as she turned around and begun to walk up the stairs.
You followed her up.

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