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Okay, as you all may know, I am unfortunately sick, and not really getting any better.

All I've done today is sleep, and I hate it.

I've drunk water, but haven't ate, in fear that I will throw it back up again. 🤢🤮😱

I'm rEaLlY annoyed because I did have a really good (I think?) Chapter that I really wanted to publish, but for some reason when I clicked 'publish' it said there was an unknown error.

It had been happening for about 4 days, so I unfortunately had no choice but to delete it. *Sigh* 😔

Anyway, in about a week or so, or maybe before that, I should have a chapter published so I hope you can all wait.

Just to let you know in two weeks time I will be on holiday for a week, I think, so I will be pretty much inactive.

Thank you~


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