•38~ Saiko's breakdown•

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Urie, Tooru, Shirazu and... Saiko were sorting out some case files for the CCG. Well, everyone except from the small, blue haired girl.

Saiko was in her room, on her bed, eating snacks, whilst playing on her games console... Something she'd do daily instead of work. And of course, the rest of the Quinx squad was fully aware of this.


"Saiko needs to help with the case files..." Tooru sighed, running a hand through her green hair.

"I know. She's annoying me." Urie grumbled, his eyes narrowing even more if that was even possible. (His eyes look like illuminate's XD.)

"Why does she never work?" Shirazu asked, looking up at the ceiling.

"The answer is simple," Urie started, staring at his two colleague's, "She's lazy."

Tooru and Shirazu sighed, not really knowing what to do.

"Should we get her outta her room?" Shirazu asked, leaning back in his chair.

Urie scoffed, "That's impossible."

"Your not the one to normally say things are impossible, Urie-Kun... That's one of the reasons why your our leader." Tooru explained.

Urie blinked a few times before shaking his head and sighing. "Whatever..." He mumbled.


Nothing could be heard except from Saiko often shouting out in frustration from her bedroom.

"So, uhm, should we?" Shirazu asked whilst clearing his throat.

"Sure." Urie said before pushing his chair out to stand up from the table.

Tooru and Shirazu did the same.

"Do you think we can do it?" Tooru asked, adjusting her eyepatch on her right eye.

"Of course we can, Mutsuki." Shirazu said with a smile, making the green haired artificial ghoul smile back.

And so, the three Quinx squad members climbed up the stairs to get to the game-obsessed girl's room.


Once up, Urie basically stormed over to her door, clenching his fist before bashing hardly on the door.

"Saiko! Open up!" He yelled, continuing to bash on her door.

After he stopped, the three could head a faint groan and a, "Go away."

Urie was about to explode until Toort gently grabbed Urie and pushed him backwards.

"Calm down, Urie. Violence isn't always the answer." She said with a small smile, making Urie keep his mouth shut. He didn't know what it was, but there was just something about Tooru's smile that made him feel strange... His heart would flutter in his chest whenever he layed his eyes on her...

And he didn't like it.

Of course, Shirazu knew what it was, and constantly teased Urie about it. Urie liked Tooru more than a friend, but the ravenette always denied it. Of course, Tooru was completely oblivious to what was going on.

Tooru took at deep breath and gently knocked on the door before saying softly, "Saiko-Chan? Could you please open the door?"

Saiko could be heard whining. "Mutsi... Why?"

Mutsuki smiled at the nickname Saiko gave her. Saiko had her nicknames for everyone.

"Because we would like to talk to you." Tooru replied.

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