•19~ Proposal•

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A/N: Congratulations. 🤣✨
"I'm a one eyed ghoul."


(Friend's name) smiled at you and said, "I know."

How was she so calm?

Your eyes widened as your mouth turned into a 'o' shape.

"W-what?" You asked, thinking you were dreaming.

"You heard me. I said I know." (Friend's name) said, pulling you into a big hug.

"How...?" Was all you managed to say as you nuzzled your face into her neck.

She chuckled and patted your head before explaining, "It was kind of obvious, to be honest. Your not really good at hiding things. And, when I ask you if you'd like to eat something, you'd always decline the offer, and I know that's not like you. Also, it was on your file at the CCG."

"Are you mad, or scared?" You mumbled.

This only made (Friend's name) hug you tighter.

"Scared? I know you wouldn't hurt me. And if I was mad, I would tell you. But I'm your friend, so I'm not mad." She said.

After letting you go, you couldn't help but to smile at her. It was probably one of the biggest smiles you've ever pulled in your whole life.

"Thank you." Was all you were able to say.

(Friend's name) grinned. "No problem. Also..."

"Yes?" You asked, looking at your best friend, who looked like she was debating on weather or not to tell you whatever she was about to say.

"You may have a surprise later on." She said, eventually looking up at you.

Raising an eyebrow, you asked, "What?"

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise~" (Friend's name) said, making you want to find out.

"Please tell me." You pleaded.

She grinned, "Then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it, dear Y/n?"

You sighed in defeat and crossed your arms over your chest.

"You'll find out soon enough." (Friend's name) said, grabbing onto your hand.

You smiled at her and nodded.

|Time skip|

{Kaneki's POV}

Everything was ready. I had everything prepared and organized. I was extremely nervous, but also very excited.

I finally get to call the love of my life mine for once and for all. No one can change that.

I practiced my lines with Tsukiyama and Hide.

Yes, Hide.

I managed to sort things out with him, even know he was already fine with me. He also happened to know about me and everyone else being a ghoul, claiming that he found it quite obvious.

I had it all planned out, so I was hoping that it would go as planned.

I had chose a spot to propose to her that I think she'd like.

I had chose a spot to propose to her that I think she'd like

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