•8~ The Coffee Shop•

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After arriving on the roof, you saw a small boy with black hair and stitches, standing near the edge of the roof whilst throwing paper areoplanes off into the gorgeous sunset.

"Juuzou!" You shouted, running over to your small friend.
Juuzou turned around with a big smile and said, "Yay! You made it!"
You puffed your cheeks out with a giggle and replied, "Of course."

"Come on!" Juuzou said, taking your arm. You gasped as he begun running towards the edge of the roof.
"J-juzzou, what are you doing!?" You screamed, your eyes widening as you both came closer to the edge of the roof.

"To see if you'd catch me~" Juuzou sang, running faster.
You gulped. Catch him? What on earth was he going on about?
"Catch you?" You managed to say as you two both came closer to the edge of the roof.
"Yes! If you were a true friend, you'd save me!" Juuzou squealed.

You shook your head. I need to catch him to prove I'm his friend? Really?
Juuzou stopped at the edge and let your arm go.
"Juuzou... Your crazy. You can't jump from here. You'll die!" You shouted, narrowing your eyes in anger.

Juuzou grinned and said, "Yes I can! Because I know that you'll save me!"
"Then why are you jumping, you Baka!?" You screamed, clenching your fists in anger. Wow, you really started to sound like Touka.

"Catch me if you can!~" Juuzou said, spreading out his arms as he let himself fall off of the rooftop.
Your eyes widened as you gasped, screaming his name.
"Juuzou...!" You shouted, begining to shake.
You looked back, then forward.

This idiot... You thought, before running and jumping off of the roof.
You held your breath as you felt yourself falling deeper and deeper.
Your eyes snapped open as you tried to look for Juuzou.

That's when you heard a faint laugh in the distance.
You looked down quickly to see Juuzou, still falling, with a smile on his face.
He's crazy! You thought, taking a deep breath before activating your kagune.

It had been so long since you've used it...
You grinned as all of your rinkakus waved violently in the cool wind.
You reached out towards Juuzou, who's red eyes were now wide with shock.
Your right eye blazed into your kaguguan as you came closer to your friend.

"Y-y/n..." He whispered as you quickly wrapped two rinkakus round his waist.
Just before you two hit the ground, you slammed your other two rinkakus into the side of a abandoned building before lifting Juuzou up towards you.

As you suddenly stopped falling, you and Juuzou caught your breath, hanging from the side of an abandoned building.
"Your... Crazy." You breathed, glaring at your friend.
"I... Know." Juuzou said with a small smile.
You couldn't help but to smile back.

"By the way... Nice kagune, Y/n! I've never seen you use it before!" Juuzou beamed.
You giggled and replied, "Yeah... I tend not to use it that much, as I don't really need it."
"It's squishy~" Juuzou sang, prodding one of your rinkakus with his finger.

You laughed and said, "J-juuzou, that tickles! S-stop! I'm going to drop you!" After you said, 'I'm going to drop you!' Juuzou immediately stopped.
"Have I proved I'm your friend now?" You asked, glaring down at Juuzou.

Juuzou laughed and said, "Yup! I knew you'd save me~"
"Wow, I don't even get a thank you." You teased.
Juuzou giggled and replied, "Thank you!"
"Your welcome."

|Time skip|

After the incident of you and Juuzou leaping off of the building, you two decided to walk the streets of Tokyo as Juuzou explained to you more about the mission.

"Sir Arima said we should check out a coffee shop called :Re. He said that there is something suspicious about it." Juuzou said, rolling the sleeves of his CCG coat up slightly, because it was so big on him.

You gulped and nodded. Thank god it wasn't Anteiku...

You pulled the sleeves of your CCG coat down as you two turned a corner to the small coffee shop.

After arriving at the small coffee shop, you took a deep breath and pushed open the door. There was a small bell that chimed as you and Juuzou stepped in.

This seemed familiar...

The smell of strong coffee lingered in the air, making you smile.

This reminds me of Anteiku... You thought, waiting for Juuzou to close the door.

"Should we get a table?" You whispered to him.

He thought for a moment before looking around the small coffee shop and nodding.
You nodded back before walking over to the counter.

"Hello, welcome to :Re-"

That voice...

Your eyes widened as you looked at who was behind the counter.

She had dark purple hair, and purple eyes. She seemed to be shocked as well. You thought you saw a flash of anger in her expression.

You were too afraid to say anything. After a year and a half of being apart...

"Is everything okay, Y/n?" Juuzou asked, walking to you.

You blinked a few times before lying and saying, "Uhm... Yes."
Juuzou raised an eyebrow before looking at Touka and asking, "Could we have a table for two please?"

Touka glanced at you before saying through gritted teeth, "Sure... Follow me."

You and Juuzou followed her through the small coffee shop, until you stopped at a small table.

"Order whenever your ready." Touka said, faking a smile.

You looked down as Juuzou said, "Thank you!~" Not knowing the current situation.

Touka sighed and walked off.

You sat down, wringing your hands together.

"Hey, did you two know eachother?" Juuzou asked, stretching his arms out.
You lied again and said, "No..."

Juuzou clasped his hands together and smiled, "Okay~"

Oh Juuzou... If only you knew.

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