•49~ Distant•

473 13 8

The word about yours and Kaneki's argument didn't take long to spread around to all of your friends.

They were all still grieving from the sudden loss of Hide. No one knew how of why he died, but you were determined to find out.

Today you were going to hopefully stay around Touka's because you knew it would be nice if you both had the company of eachother after all of the recent events.

Maybe she knew what happened to Hide? She must know. After all, she was the one that told all of you.



Touka 💜🐰:
What do you want?

Can I ask you something

Touka 💜🐰:
If you must...

Do you...
Do you mind if I...
Come and stay round
Yours for a bit?

Touka 💜🐰:

I want to make sure
Your okay,
I'm feeling pretty
Lonely at the moment...

Touka 💜🐰:
How long are you planning
To stay for?

Oh only a few days.
I don't want to bother you.
If that's okay with you

Touka 💜🐰:

Okay, thank you.
I'll be over in about half an
Is that okay?

Touka 💜🐰:

Thank you touka.
Bye now.

Touka 💜🐰:


After texting your friend, you sighed and switched off your phone before walking into your bedroom to pack a few things.

|Time skip|

About fifteen minutes later, you had everything packed and were now making your way to Touka's apartment.

Luckily, it wasn't that far away from your own apartment.

After about ten minutes of walking, you finally arrived at your destination.

Touka's apartment was at the bottom, so all you had to do was walk up a small set of stone stair and knock on her door.

And so, that's what you did.

Upon arriving at her door, you gulped and gently knocked on the door, clutching your bag in the other hand.

A few seconds later, the door to the apartment opened.

There, in the doorway, stood an emotionless-looking purple haired ghoul. She had dark bangs under her eyes from the loss of sleep, and her purple eyes were red and puffy from crying. Her purple hair was slightly messy, and her face was pale. Also, her body had gotten skinnier.

You looked unimpressed.

"Come in..." She mumbled, stepping aside so you could walk in.

And you took no time at all to walk into her house as she closed the door.

"Come with me. I'll show you your room..." She muttered, sloppily dragging her feet to the spare room that she had for guests.

Following her, you picked up your bag once more.

Once there, you and her stepped inside the clean room and you placed your bag on the bed.

"This is where you'll be sleeping." She said, her eyes now drooping.

You couldn't help but to worry for her. Even after just a day or so, she still looked worse. You weren't having any of that.

"Touka," You said sadly, making her look into your eyes, "You really need to rest... I mean look at you!"

She groaned and walked past you into her living room.

You followed her, then she sat down on her sofa, so you did the same and sat next to her.

"I've tried, Y/n..." She said sadly, "But I keep crying."

This only pained you more.

You just looked sadly at your friend and pulled her into a warm hug.

She burried her face into your neck and cried into it, her cold tears running down your neck and onto your shirt, making it damp slightly, but you didn't care. Not one bit.

As you whispered soothing words in her ear, you ran your hands through her soft, purple hair to try and calm her until there was nothing but sniffles coming from Touka.

"Shh..." You soothed, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

She held you closer as she still kept her face in your neck.

"It's not your fault..." You whispered, finally letting her go to hold her by her shoulders.

"But what if I could've done something...?" She mumbled, looking down.

Raising an eyebrow, you asked, "How could you of helped...?"

"Do you know how he died?" Touka whispered with a sad frown.

"No. You just came into :Re and told everyone." You answered.

"W-well then... I'll tell you..." She whispered, and you braced yourself for a emotional story.

Touka took a deep breath and begun to tell you how Hide died. At the end, you begun to sob. Both of you, for that matter. Both of your held eachother and cried into eachothers arms, holding onto eachother tightly, almost as if the two of you would slip away from eachother.

Apparently, according to Touka, Hide was on a mission with the CCG, eradicating more ghouls in Tokyo. Be was hidden around a corner, peeking out to see if he could see any ghouls... What he didn't notice was that a powerful ghoul was behind him... Waiting for Hide to be his meal.

And he made him his meal. He stabbed Hide multiple times before Hide even had time to react. Once the ghoul was satisfied with the amount of blood gushing out of Hide from multiple places, he couldn't wait to dig his teeth into his tender flesh.

And well...  That's what he did. He...

He ate Hide...


Yeah, sort chapter. Sorry.

Hope you liked it.

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