•28~ Calls And Plans•

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"Ooooo~ here looks nice!"

At the moment, you, (Friend's name), Touka and Irimi were all sat round your table, paper and pens scattered all over the place.

After yours and Touka's emotional meeting, you finally convinced her that the way she was feeling was normal, and that she couldn't help it.

Yes, it did make you feel a bit uncomfortable, but you decided to push that aside. You knew one day she'd find someone to share the rest of her life with.

You sighed. "The thing is... I don't know what Kaneki likes."

"This is all that stupid purple haired french dudes fault." Touka grumbled, her eyes narrowing.

"How so?" Irimi asked, scribbling some notes down.

"He immediately jumped to conclusions and said that Y/n and bakaneki need to be separated. They didn't even plan anything!" Touka explained.

"Call him?" (Friend's name) suggested.

You just shook your head, "I don't know... What if we don't agree."

"Stop being a wuss." Touka mumbled, grabbing her phone out of her pocket before clicking on Kaneki's contact. "Here."

You looked at her before putting the phone on speaker.


"Hi Ken."

"Oh, hey Y/n- Chan. Why are you calling on Touka's phone?"

Touka butted in, "Because she can. Now shut up and listen."

There was silence for a few moments.

"Uhhm... Why did you call?"

"Kaneki, I'm planning a few things."


"The wedding, of course."

"O-oh, that." You heard him chuckle at the end of the phone. You could tell that he was embarrassed.


"So what about it?"

"We need help."


Touka grumbled and butted in again, "Yes, 'we', you Baka! Listen!"

"Oh, hi Touka-Chan."

"Ugh. Hi."

This made you, Irimi and (Friends name) chuckle.

Kaneki must've heard this, because he asked, "Y/n- Chan, are you there with other people?"

"Yeah. I'm here with Touka-Chan, Irimi-San and (Friends name.)"



"Y/n, we can't really discuss this by phone..."

"Why not?" Touka asked, leaning over to her phone.

"Well, it's something we need to talk about... In person."

"Can we meet up?" You asked.

Kaneki sighed. "Tsukiyama refuses to let me out."

"I swear, that grape- where are you?" Touka asked through gritted teeth.

"At my apartment, but Tsukiyama insists that he needs to stay with me for my protection, wellbeing and so we can make plans."

"I'll come over and kick his a**." Touka grumbled, steam practically shooting out of her ears.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐤.𝐤 ✓Where stories live. Discover now