•17~ Never Again•

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You were lost for words.

Kaneki just looked at you as he continued to hold you in his arms, as if you would slip away and leave him again, this time, forever.

"Why would you think I'd ever leave you?" You finally asked, gazing into his grey eyes.

Kaneki breathed in and choked on his tears, "Because you've done it once before."

Now it was you crying.

You moved away from him and covered your face with your hands as cold tears ran down your cheeks.

Your heart shattered, and all you felt was guilt.

Kaneki immediately moved over to you and pulled you to him.

He layed down as you rolled on top of him.

Finally, you stopped crying and you two were just left to look into eachothers eyes.

"My love, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." Kaneki said, tucking a strand of your h/c hair behind your ear.

"No... It's my fault." You whispered.

Kaneki shook his head. "Stop blaming yourself."

"I shouldn't of left you." You said, biting your lip.

Kaneki grabbed your hands and rubbed circles on them with his thumbs. He smiled up at you, making your heart flutter in your chest.

"You didn't really have a choice." Kaneki admitted, lifting your left hand up to place sweet and soft kisses on each one of your knuckles.

How was he such a gentlemen?

Your heart beat faster as you and him quickly changes positions, he was now on top of you again, holding your wrists gently as he held eye contact with you the whole time.

Kaneki leaned down and kissed away the cold tears that were sliding down your face.

"Don't cry, Y/n. I want to see you happy, not sad." Kaneki admitted, smiling down at you.

You smiled up at him. "Kaneki, what did I do to deserve you?"

Kaneki grinned and asked, "I wonder what I did to deserve you."

You blushed and broke eye contact with the half ghoul, causing him to chuckle.

"Kaneki..." You whispered, grabbing the white haired males attention.

"Hm?" Kaneki hummed, looking down at you.

"I love you." You said, your eyes holding nothing but love and passion.

Kaneki's eyes sparkled as he replied, "I love you too, Y/n."

He leaned down towards you and pressed his lips on yours. You closed your eyes slowly and kissed him back, his lips tasted sweet.

After pulling away, Kaneki grinned down at you, making you immediately grin back.

|Time skip|

"Y/n." None other than your boss, Yoshimura said.

You smiled up at him as he passed you a coffee.

"Thank you, Sir." You said, pulling the cup closer to you.

You decided to go back to :Re, to inform everyone that you were okay.

What confused you was that a small cake did that to you. That couldn't be the only reason.

Yoshimura smiled and nodded at you, before turning around.

You gasped and flinched slightly as you felt a pair of arms being thrown around your waist.

Giggling, you knew immediately who it was.

"Hi, Touka." You laughed.

Touka nuzzled her face into your back and mumbled, "Hiiiiii~"

"Your in a weird mood today, what's up?" You asked, as Touka let go of you and sat on the stool next to you.

"I was just worried, that's all." Touka answered.

"Awww... You were worried." You teased, sticking your tounge out at her.

She clicked her tounge and made a "Tch," Sound.

"Y/n." She said, catching your attention.

You turned to face her, "Yeah?"

"You won't leave again, will you?" Touka asked, a hint of sadness and worry in her purple eyes.

You bit your lip and replied, "No, I won't...

Never again."

Ah, I'm sorry for the short chapter. I didn't really know what to write. Anyway, I have a few ideas in mind, so I hope you keep reading and bare with me. Thank you~ 💜☺️

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