•4~ Thoughts•

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"The Mission you have to do, sounds so fun!~" Akira squealed, squinting her eyes shut.
You giggled and nodded, but on the inside, your emotions were eating away at you.

"I mean, come on! Why can't I work with you and Investigator Suzuya?" Akira asked, pouting as she leaned back in her chair.
"Because your too talented." You replied.
"I'm the same rank as you two!" Akira stated, defending herself.
You took a moment before nodding your head.

"Taking down Eyepatch, Serpent, Rabbit and any other ghouls sounds so cool! I'm jealous! If you do, you'll both get promoted!" Akira said with a smile.
You smiled back, although your heart was shattering into a million pieces inside." Already? I just got promoted a few months ago."
"Think about it! They will have to give you both a promotion! You two are amazing!" Akira said, smiling wider at you.

You returned the smile and said, "Thank you, Akira-San. Your amazing too."
Akira nodded gratefully at your words as she took a minute to sip on her steaming coffee.

After sipping her coffee, Akira gasped and quickly stood up.
You raised an eyebrow and asked, "Where are you going?"
"I just realized that I have a meeting to go to... See you later." Akira said, grabbing her bag and coffee before swiftly walking away.

You chuckled to yourself and stood up, deciding to go to your office.

Why do I have to kill you all? You thought on the way there.

Why you out of all of the ghouls out there?

Why you, the most important people in my life?

Why you, my friends, and once lover...?

Do I have too?

I can't.

I can't.

I can't.

What would you say?

What would you do?

Will you recognize me? I mean, I've changed.

Where are you all?

Are you all happier?

Are you still working at Anteiku, or have you moved on in your lives?




Where are you now?

Kaneki, have you found someone new and started a new life with them? If so, congratulations, and I'm so happy for you. I guess I deserve it, for leaving you. If you do... Have the best life, and I hope your partner gives you what I couldn't give to you...

Touka, have you carried on chasing your dreams? To own a coffee shop? If so, congratulations, and I knew you could do it. You will be amazing, and keep up the good work. I always knew you could do it, and I'd just like to say, thank you for being supportive. Have you moved on in life as well?

Nishiki, just... Have you moved on in life? What are you doing now? How are things with you and Kimi? I hope there good. See? These are questions that I'd really like to ask you all, but, because of fate, I am unable too.

A tear slid down your cheek as you remembered the good times you had with them...
(Not mentioned in the first book, but I thought I'd add these flashbacks.)

It was night, and you, Kaneki, Touka and Nishiki were gazing up at the starry sky, in your favourite park. You always used to go there if you had the day off.
Your eyes sparkled as you looked up at a beautiful, gleaming star, that was smiling down at the four of you.

It was then you felt a warm hand envelope yours. You looked to your left to see Kaneki, smiling at you. You blushed and smiled back, leaning your head on his shoulder.
It was then, Kaneki whispered, "You have no idea how beautiful you are..."

You blushed even more and replied, "Kaneki... I'm not."
Kaneki giggled and said, "You are the most beautiful person ever."
You sighed and gave in, glancing over at Touka and Nishiki, who were joking around with eachother.

"Ken?" You questioned, squeezing Kaneki's hand.
Kaneki leaned down and kissed your forehead before saying, "Yes, Y/n?"
"Do you want to carry on living like this?" You asked, staring up at the beautiful midnight sky again.
Kaneki did the same and said, "If I'd be spending the rest of my life with you by my side... Then yes, I would."
You and Kaneki were walking through a park, hand in hand, and just talking about... Well, life.
It was your day off, so you two decided to spend it together.
"Kaneki?" You spoke up, looking at your white haired boyfriend.

Kaneki hummed in response and looked down at you.
You smiled and asked, "Do you think your life's perfect?"
Kaneki thought for a moment before smiling and replying, "Yes, because your in it."
You smiled to yourself and pushed open your office door, walking inside.

"Where are you all now?"

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