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Before you start reading this fanfic, id like to point out I wrote this when i was a cringy 13 year old lmfao... at one point im going to rewrite some of the story.

Also yes robin isnt in the season 3 part of this book, but i continued writing for season 4 and i brought her character in - the reason i didnt add her initially is because i wouldn't have much dialogue for the 'reader' and also writing with lots of characters was clearly too much for 13 year old me... so anyway if you stick around til when i write season 4, not only has my writing improved massively (a-level english lit student :0) also robin is in it - love her sm couldn't not add her in at one point... so yeah enjoy!!! :))))

"Hey idiot your children are here." you yell.

Steve opens the window connecting the two rooms of scoops ahoy, "Again? Seriously?" he asks annoyed resting on his forearms

a young boy with black hair, you hadn't bothered to learn the children's names, stares at him and rings the bell again with a straight face, Steve sighs and ushers them qucikly through into the staff room and takes them through the back way, that connected all the stores, pushing them to hurry up.

"i swear if anyone hears about this-" Steve yells

"We're dead." All four kids say in unison

Steve sighs making his way back to the front desk.

you started working at scoops ahoy over the summer, to earn some money and save up. When you joined you were more than shocked to see, steve the hair harrington. you hated that people referred to him as this.. it felt so tacky. And you felt weird even referring to him as that as he had finished his last year of school just before the summer break. You had believed this was an insane prank when you first saw steve sitting in the staff you. But once you realised it wasn't you groaned, remembering what he was like in highschool.

while serving a customer, the lights suddenly go out in scoops and the whole mall, "that's weird." steve says going to turn on the light switch. He flicks it a couple of times before you interrupt him,

"that isn't gonna work." you say with a sigh

"oh really?" He starts flicking the light switch manically. you give him a 'really' look at his action. He flicks it one more time and the lights suddenly go on, "let there be light." he shrugs

"that was a coincidence!" you say as you go into the back, "i'm going on my break sailor man. man the deck or whatever." to which he nods at you

working with steve has been interesting, it felt kind of awkward between the two of you, but you soon became close as you realised your shift went a lot quicker with someone to talk to. You had been wrong about steve, he wasn't the douche bag that he once was back in highschool, he was actually decent and you somewhat got along. you and steve soon made a bet at how many dates steve could score, you'd challenged him to this after he claimed he was a 'ladies man'

"Steve, two girls!" you whisper to him.
He walks towards the front counter asking the ladies what they'll have, "Alrighty, one scoop of chocolate. That's a buck- twenty- five."

"Anything else?" He asks the girls who just shake their heads , "ooh, purdue." steve says referring to one of the girl's jumper, "Fancyyy."

Steve then asks the girl if she wanted to hang out over the weekend but she rejected him.

"this is...my first day here." he says quietly as she walks away

"And another one bites the dust." you say pulling the whiteboard out with me.

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