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With a surge of aggression, Jimin slapped a hand beside her head and pushed the cold metal of the gun under her chin.

She shrunk away, squeezing her eyes shut tight when he lifted her face and brushed his mouth over her ear. For the first time since they'd officially met, Yunhee was at a loss for words.

'Much better,' he purred, his heavy breath bouncing down her neck as he flicked the safety off the weapon.

When Yunhee found the courage to open her eyes, all she saw was a madman grinning down at her.

'Stay with me for a while, darling. I insist.'

- - -

# 2

'Keep driving,' Jimin instructed, an idea springing to mind as Yunhee focused on the road.

Crawling into the tiny space behind the seats, he took cover and peeked out through the slit of a back window. The two SUVs were gaining speed, closing the gap as they expertly weaved their cars in and out of the heavy Seoul traffic.

'Who are these guys?' he muttered irritably as he pulled out one of his guns.

Sitting on his knees, Jimin rested his forearms across the back panel and cringed. He hated what he was about to do, but there was no other option. He sent one bullet into the back window, taking out the glass. He then fired nine more at the chasing vehicles before dropping to dodge the shower of ammunition coming their way. He was reloading when the car swerved abruptly to the left and sent him sliding across the car, his already bleeding brow making contact with the hard panel.

'Can you at least drive in a straight line?' Jimin shrieked.

'Unless you want me to smash into the back of another car, no!' Yunhee retorted from the driver's seat.

Ignoring the dripping blood and her defiant comeback, Jimin hopped back onto his knees and aimed, but the car lurched to the right, sending him and his bruised ribs to the opposite side. He wept inwardly, fingernails digging into his palms as he felt the luxurious metal of the Lexus scrape alongside a passing vehicle.

'For fuck's sake,' Jimin cried in anguish.

'Have we lost them?' Yunhee yelled, turning her head to look back at him.

'Eyes forward!' he barked, crawling back up into a shooting stance.

Squeezing the trigger, Jimin fired his gun until a bullet penetrated the tyre of one of the SUVs. He watched in satisfaction as the black car zig-zagged along the road, hit the kerb and flipped onto its roof, a flurry of smoke escaping the smashed up bonnet.


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