Chapter 6

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Fuck. Wine was the devil. As were alarms.

Yunhee reached blindly for the vibrating phone on her bedside table, the shrill sound the equivalent of a truncheon being smashed against her skull. She patted the surface, trying to locate the device, but ultimately sent it spinning to the floor where it continued to pulsate on the wooden boards.

'Shut up!' she cried while sliding off the bed with a thud.

Hitting the dismiss button, she noted the time and wept in dismay. It was a little after 5AM; time to get up and face the day.

Flopping sideways, the hungover woman rested her chin on the edge of the bed and tried to focus. One thing was for sure; if she made it out alive today, the first thing on her agenda was to murder every single one of those arseholes she called friends.

'Tae?' Yunhee croaked, unsure if she was mistaking the rumpled bedding for his skinny form. She slapped the mattress grumpily, her bottom lip puckering like a spoiled brat. 'Taehyung, wake up!'

When there was no response, she clutched the duvet and heaved it back. The space that Tae usually occupied was empty; he still wasn't home?

With a snarl, Yunhee got up and clambered to the bathroom, her mind replaying snapshots of their evening in Southside Parlor.

Whether he wanted to or not, Hobi had revealed that Tae had issues in his past that had come back to haunt him, issues that he wouldn't share with her no matter how much she tried to get him to talk. He'd advised her to give her boyfriend more time, and Yunhee was willing to do that, but finding him gone from the booth was the straw that broke the camel's back.

According to the boys, Tae had taken off to make an 'important call'. Why, then, hadn't he returned?

It was another excuse, Yunhee surmised. He'd left without a word, and the indecency of not informing her first cut deep into her already fractured heart. She'd made countless calls and sent messages to him throughout the night, but there hadn't been a single reply.

Tae's behaviour was becoming ludicrous. He was moody, secretive, and acting incredibly suspicious.

A rush of cold washed over Yunhee. Was Tae having an affair? Would he do that? Her stomach churned as she slung her pyjamas to the floor and stepped into the shower.

No, Tae is anything but a cheater, Yunhee thought as the hot water washed away the sticky elements of last night.

She tried to resign herself to the fact that her boyfriend was not seeing another woman, and that the problem lay elsewhere. All she had to do when he came home was confront him and ask him where he had slunk off to.

'I swear,' Yunhee squeezed the sponge in her hand and clenched her jaw in irritation.

'Yunhee?' A contralto voice echoed off the walls as the bathroom door burst open.

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