Chapter 18

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Jimin switched on his brand new smartphone and waited for it to respond. As soon as it buzzed to life and the screen lit up, he repeated the action on a second device and popped them side by side on the coffee table to let them boot up.

He'd given up contacting his men after nothing but radio silence, his phone rendered useless with no signal and a dead battery anyway. With that in mind, Jimin had driven into town to solve the issue, making a quick detour to repair the bodywork on his beloved Lexus en route.

With access to the outside world, Jimin intended to browse the web and keep tabs on Miss Hahm when she was not by his side.

Thankfully, Tae had kept his distance ever since their eventful shopping trip, but the three days Namjoon had given them were up, and Jimin was running out of options. He wasn't daft enough to believe Tae's men weren't out there biding their time.

They were watching, and based on their first encounter at the club, their endgame was not going to be friendly.

Being holed up in the apartment didn't help. Not only was Jimin desperate for answers, but he was growing restless, trapped inside a mind-boggling mystery that shrouded both him and Miss Hahm. He'd spent yesterday in Seoul speaking to anyone willing to listen, but the mere mention of Tae's name was a conversation killer.

Getting nowhere with the general and alarmingly terrified public, Jimin had visited an internet café to see if he could pull anything up on those occupying the House of Cards.

What he'd stumbled across left him ultimately perturbed.

Jeon Jungkook was an expert tracker, Min Yoongi voted top marksmen in Korea, and Jung Hoseok was specially trained in hand-to-hand combat. On top of that, he was a depraved sex addict with a history of assault charges.

As for Kim Taehyung, there was nothing; not one scrap of material, not one news article or artefact on the enigmatic man.

Unsatisfied and remarkably uneasy about the lack of information, Jimin knew he had to dig deeper and keep looking. It was the only way to move forward and gain some semblance of his former life back.

'Cuppa tea, Jimin?' Jin asked, poking his lilac head into the living room.

Jimin graciously declined, checking over the phones on the coffee table.

Life-threatening drama aside, the last few days in the apartment had been interesting, to say the least. Miss Hahm had settled quite well into what was once her home, her relationship with Jin and Namjoon comfortable and friendly.

Jimin's relationship with the trio, however, was a little more estranged.

Jin treated him politely and was extremely accommodating, but Namjoon was cold and disinclined to engage in any sort of communication. And then there was the wildcat. Feisty as fuck and getting on his nerves.

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