Hahm Update

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Hey guys :-)

Hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe. Please do stay home and don't travel unless absolutely necessary. It's the only way we can fight this together.

I'm sad to say Hahm is almost coming to an end, with only five chapters to go and an epilogue (which will lead into the sequel.)

My plans for the sequel are nowhere near complete. I have a skeleton plan but it's going to take some time to work through and try and make it as phenomenal as Part One.

I PROMISE you it'll be worth it ;-)

I also wanted to thank my readers again from the bottom of my heart. The votes, views and comments the past couple of weeks have been mind-blowing.

I'll be updating Hahm as much as possible over the coming weeks despite the current madness. But please bear with me as I'm working from home and things are a little upside down as you can imagine hehe.

Much love to you all.

Stay safe, Hahmburgers

Tan x

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