Chapter 50

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Jimin felt like he'd been hit by a freight train

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Jimin felt like he'd been hit by a freight train.

The headache split his skull in half, his eyelids weighty and difficult to open despite his body swimming back to consciousness. Something wet dripped from his temple, soaking his cheek, but when he tried to reach up and touch it, his hands wouldn't budge.

Forcing his eyes open, Jimin gave his wrists a sharp jerk, hissing when his shoulder spasmed.

It appeared to be pulled back at an awkward angle, his wrists burning from whatever was holding them together. Rope, by the feel of it, coarse and bristly and securing his arms behind the wooden chair he was slumped on.

Why the fuck was he tied to a chair?

Lightning danced across his vision and Jimin's head whipped up, his chest expanding as he scanned his surroundings.

It didn't take long for the realisation to sink in, nor the panic when the memories flooded back to him. He sat smack bang in the middle of the warehouse where this had all begun, while outside, the thunderstorm they'd waited for raged with power.

A terrible feeling settled in his gut; being here against his will did not bode well.

Craning his neck, Jimin peered at the ceiling, squinting when the bulb from a swinging light shone directly into his eyes. He lowered his head and glanced around, his gaze skimming over the crates scattered around the derelict chamber.

That's when he saw them. Jungkook perched on a container with a cigarette, Hoseok leaning on another, his nail-marked face painting a menacing picture as he played with his gun..

Dread clawed at Jimin as his eyes darted around the rest of the building for the only person that mattered, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Had Yunhee gotten away?

Searching the huge room again, he checked every nook, cranny and crevice until they stopped on a figure standing beside a small glowing light.

The vortex.

A bitter sneer emerged on Jimin's lips when Taehyung stepped forward wearing a high-collared winter coat and a cold smile. He was holding one of the Kimber Raptors Jimin had stolen from him, his eyes travelling over the engraved silver slider as he sauntered in his direction.

'I've missed these two beauties,' Taehyung said affectionately before stopping and letting his chilly eyes meet his. 'Hello, Jiminie. Good of you to join us.'

'Yeah, just like old times, ey?' Jimin rasped as he noticed the red slice splitting Taehyung's cheek. 'I see Yunhee left you a gift.'

'Hmm, she did,' Taehyung droned as he holstered his gun. 'That lady of yours is quite feisty. My cock aches to be inside her like my bullets ache to be inside your head.'

'Watch your mouth,' Jimin rumbled, wriggling in the chair so that it jerked forward a notch. 'Where is she?'

'Aw, you want to know if she got away?' Taehyung sulked as he peeked at the muscled man sitting on the crate. 'Jungkook?'

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