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If you were not there then, would we, who were just like a lonely island, shine as bright as now?

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If you were not there then, would we, who were just like a lonely island, shine as bright as now?

Autumn, 2009

Fat drops of rain bounced off the pavement, saturating the young girl hurrying to escape the cloudburst. Her clothing clung to her wiry frame, hair moulding to her freckled cheeks as she stopped outside a campus café and rubbed water from her eyes.

In dire need of a hot chocolate, she wiped the wet droplets from the window and peered inside. University students filled the tables and chairs, chatting idly as they cradled warm cups, but her eyes danced over their heads until she found the item she was looking for scrawled on a chalkboard.


It was time to get warm, dry, and buy a hot drink.

Ready to head indoors, the girl hoisted her handbag higher on her shoulder, but stopped short when her gaze landed on a striking man lounging in a chair.

He seemed troubled, his fingers tapping a steady beat on the tabletop as he mulled over his phone, but it wasn't the crease in his brow that had her attention, nor the way he subtly balled his fist from time to time. It was his hooded eyes, a rich shade of brown filled with fire as he stared broodingly at another man.

Intrigued, the girl lowered her bag and moved back to the window to shamefully take a closer look. He was the epitome of beauty, his slate grey hair swept stylishly from his forehead to show off a face cut to perfection, his mouth holding a luscious pair of lips that slowly curved into a smirk as he toyed with his phone.

Oh, crap.

Her legs were moving without thought, carrying her towards the café entrance as her brain screamed at her to stop. She was drenched and looked like a drowned rat. Did she want such an attractive man to see her in this pitiful state?

It seemed fate was not on her side, for at that moment, she failed to spot the broken paving flag in front of her. Her heart skipped a beat when she tripped, and she was falling before she could stop herself, her bare knees impacting the hard floor with a sickening thud.

Raindrops poured over her face, mingling with tears as she rolled onto her backside to examine the damage. The shard of glass protruding from her knee made her blanch, the blood that wept from the wound paling as the rain carried it in rivulets down her shaking leg.

'Are you alright, Miss?' a stranger asked as she grabbed a tissue from her bag to soak up the blood. The stark white material stained crimson, becoming useless as it disintegrated in her trembling fingers. 'Miss?'

A slight hand came to her aid. Focusing her attention on her new saviour, she saw a kind-looking student standing before her, her face a picture of concern. 'Y-yes.'

The girl glanced down at her knee and grimaced. 'Looks like you'll need to get that looked at. Can I give you a ride to the hospital?'

'Thank you, but I'm okay.' With a grateful bow, she turned and limped away, cursing her luck and the shitty day she was having.

The striking man and her hot chocolate were not meant to be.


Just say the word and it's done.

Park Jimin shifted in his chair and read the message on his phone again.

He chewed on his bottom lip, itching to reply and release hell upon the anxious man standing not one metre away. Watching the bastard sweat as he begged for him to end the fiasco he'd recently set up was satisfying.

Two simple words via text, and the life that Kim Taehyung knew was over.

Closing the message thread, Jimin thumbed through the device, teasing the other man as his finger hovered over his father's number.

'Please, you need to stop this,' Tae implored as he contemplated the decision.

Hmm, Jimin thought, should I grant my friend an act of kindness and call it off?

He was ready to throw a few choice words Tae's way, but instead, he found himself glancing through the window at a sudden commotion on the street.

Jimin faltered, transfixed on the scene of a young woman sitting on the pavement. He couldn't see her face; she was hunched over her legs, shivering in the cold rain as she cradled her bleeding knee.

Something stirred in his gut, urging him to step out into the storm to check on the poor creature, but he could only watch as another student came to her aid, fascinated by the sight of her button nose and freckled cheeks when she turned her head to reveal her profile.

Do I know you?

In the blink of an eye, she was gone, leaving nothing but rain hammering against the paving stone where she'd sat.

Clumsy oaf, he thought, ignoring the fast pace of his heart as he turned his attention back to his friend.

Jimin rose from his chair, studying the attractive face of the man he knew so well. He no longer cared for everything they'd shared together over the years. All he could envision was his power-hungry family, one that needed to be destroyed if he wanted to succeed. There was also the image of his now ex-girlfriend, lying beneath Tae as he pumped his cock in and out of her.

'Jimin, call your father. Now!' Tae bellowed.

Jimin's face contorted; he didn't take kindly to orders. Unlocking his phone, he typed out a reply to the person awaiting his instruction.

Do it.

Jimin's determined eyes bored into Tae's as he hit send, not once breaking contact with a pair that now burned with hatred. There was no coming back from this; the damage was well and truly done.

'We're done.' Jimin rasped, shoving past the shocked man.

Stepping out into the steady stream of rain, he lifted his head and let the massive drops splatter over his face. After a few deep, satisfying breaths, he looked down at his feet.

There was broken glass and blood on the floor.

Life was good.

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