Chapter 20

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'So, you're saying you're most definitely dead?'

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'So, you're saying you're most definitely dead?'

'Absolutely one hundred and ten percent dead.'

Jin lowered the copy of the newspaper and glanced up at Jimin from the sofa. 'And Kim Taehyung, the Mafia King of Seoul, murdered you? Both of you?'

Jimin nodded grimly, scratching the back of his head as Jin's brow scrunched in puzzlement. Yunhee was perched beside him, Namjoon unsettled and pacing the living room like a wildcat in a zoo. He spared the man a glance, trying to gauge his reaction, but his dimpled face was set in stone, his eyes dark and unreadable.

They'd returned from the library after an incredibly silent car journey. Yunhee was as lost in thought as Jimin as he drove back to the apartment, both mulling over their latest discovery in the archives.

Their friends waited for them in the living room, Jin anxious, and Namjoon looking pissed off and finally at the end of his tether. Sure, he'd agreed to extend their stay that morning, but only in exchange for some truth, along with an update on what Jimin and Yunhee had been doing all day.

'Let me see that.' Namjoon snatched the paper from Jin's hand, his heated eyes skimming the words. 'I remember reading this. There's no mention of Kim Taehyung here. I already told you: they didn't get to the bottom of his death.'

'He covered up the murder, Joon,' Jimin sighed impatiently, 'just like he covers up all crimes.'

Namjoon dropped the article to his side, raising an eyebrow in response. 'And you know this how?'

Jimin's eyes met Yunhee's a second before hers widened and darted away. 'I know this because...'

Jimin stalled, and he found he had to compose himself; since when did he get shaky telling folks what he did for a living? His ability to remain stoic and confident in any situation was half the reason he'd gained his position of Mafia King in the first place.

Was it because these two men were so cut up about what had happened? Sheesh, when did he start caring so bloody much about other people's feelings?

'I know this because I use similar tactics in my line of work.'

'Jiminie,' Jin gasped, slowly rising from the sofa, 'what are you saying?'

Jimin's eyes were on Namjoon, scrutinising him carefully. If the other Jimin's childhood was the same as his, that meant he grew up in a mafia-infested world, too; a fact that his two friends here would have known.

That network still existed in Seoul, but it was run by Tae. Now, Jimin had to try and explain that where he came from, it was Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin that ran that world.

'I'm part of the mafia.'

The room fell silent. Jin's face crumpled, his bottom lip quivering like a five-year old, but Namjoon was cocking his head, his teeth bared like a rabid dog.

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