Chapter 22

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Yunhee adjusted her backpack and straightened her ponytail, staring up at the huge door of the luxury mansion in the hills of Pyeongchang-dong

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Yunhee adjusted her backpack and straightened her ponytail, staring up at the huge door of the luxury mansion in the hills of Pyeongchang-dong. Night had long since fallen, the skies black and littered with bright stars, but the landscape gardens and driveway glowed under the security lights.

Getting here in the early hours had been relatively easy; all reprobates had to sleep at some point. The minute she'd heard Jimin's light snores on the sofa, Yunhee had crept out of the apartment, willing herself to remain strong as she scuttled to the car that had become a permanent marker in their street.

Min Yoongi - or Suga, as he preferred to be called - had barely reacted when she'd opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat, but the jerk of his head and the slight part of his lips told her he had not been expecting company on tonight's watch.

'Have a run-in with Park Jimin?' Yunhee smiled, enjoying the sight of his bust-up face.

'Can I help you?' Suga drawled, a diminutive sneer on his scabbed lips.

'Kim Taehyung's residence, please,' she requested while settling into the seat with a false sense of confidence.

And here she was, back at the house Jimin had moved her to the night of her kidnapping, a silent Suga standing by her side as she waited for an audience with Kim Taehyung.

Hoseok barely looked surprised to see her when he opened the door, which told her Suga had messaged ahead to inform them of their impending guest. Still, he didn't move; he leaned on the door frame with his hands in his pockets, looking at her like she was whipped cream with a cherry on top.

'Finally decided to join us for some fun, kitten?' Hoseok crooned.

He is not Hobi, Yunhee told herself, fighting the bile in her throat as she remembered the vicious blow he'd landed on her cheek.

'Are you going to stand there and leer at me all night or are you going to let me in?' Yunhee scowled.

With a snicker, Hoseok opened the entrance and swept his arm into the mansion in a gentlemanly gesture. Suga was behind her as she stepped into the foyer, chuckling at his companion's oh-so-charming behaviour as he closed the door behind her.

Yunhee jumped as the bang echoed off the high walls. She was likely not getting out of this madness unscathed, but her will was robust enough for her to lift her chin and hide her fear from the two immoral swines.

'I'm here to see Taehyung,' she stated.

Hoseok nibbled on his lower lip and took a step closer as he observed her in a provoking manner. 'What's the magic word?'


Hoseok chortled at her quick-witted response, his rascally eyes meeting Suga's over her shoulder. 'She carrying?'

'No,' Suga responded while giving Yunhee pause.

How did he know that? It was true; she'd left her gun behind, not foolish enough to believe they wouldn't remove it from her the minute she arrived. Jimin would kill her for that little detail, but he wasn't the one who'd had his arse fondled by Hoseok at the club the other night. She didn't trust these creeps not to use searching her as an excuse to feel her up.

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