Chapter 5

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'All I'm saying is, you can't just fuck a guy and leave without a word the next morning. It's just not cricket.'

'Yunhee's right. You're never gonna find the right guy behaving like that.'

'Who says I'm looking?' Suga leaned back in his seat, a passive look on his face as he sized up the group surrounding him.

They were packed into a booth in Southside Parlor, a popular hotspot in the heart of Seoul. Yunhee sat squished between Tae and Jungkook, Suga and Hobi on the opposite side, the table between them littered with beer and wine.

Loud conversations competed with the music dominating the atmosphere as the crew shared stories about their personal lives. The conversation had flowed into what was going on in their sex lives, and now it was Suga's turn to come clean.

Although, it was no secret that he preferred a no strings attached relationship. The man was presently receiving a barrage of grief on his ability to remain blasé after a one night stand.

'Don't you want to find the right guy? Someone you can settle down with?' Yunhee probed, thanking Tae as he handed over her red wine.

'Do I look like a one-man kinda guy?' Suga drawled in a bored tone.

'Stop answering a question with a question!' she shouted, banging her fist on the table.

'Oh, the little lady's getting mad,' Suga taunted, earning a round of snickers from the guys.

Yunhee shot him a dirty look and he, in turn, flashed a roguish smile, knowing damn well he was getting under her skin.

Suga's poker face was enthralling, his cat-shaped eyes squinting at her in the dark. Just like Yunhee, his nose and cheeks had a sprinkle of freckles, and he was the owner of the gummiest smile she had ever seen. But Suga's humour was painfully dry, and for those who didn't know him, he came across as a cut-throat arsehole that couldn't care less what you thought.

Hobi rested his elbows on the table, shaking his head in dismay. 'You're going to be single for the rest of your life, you know?'

Suga grunted, checking out a bloke with an agreeable arse as he walked past their booth. 'Suits me, as long as there's cock coming in, I'm fine.'

'Crude!' Jungkook barked, pulling a face as he browsed through his phone. 'Tae, you and Yunhee have been going steady for months. Why don't you have a word with our boy here and show him how it's done?'

'Why don't you have a word with him?' he proposed, his gaze meeting Jungkook's for a brief second before hastening across the room.

Tae had barely contributed to the conversation all night. He'd been preoccupied since they'd arrived, his arm protectively draped around Yunhee as his mocha eyes focused on the bar in the distance.

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