Chapter 33

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Five minutes

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Five minutes. Do NOT move.

'You said five minutes five minutes ago,' Yunhee grumbled as she shoved her phone back into her clutch bag.

Stretching out her aching spine, she released a groan of discomfort and wiggled the cramped toes stuffed inside her shoes.

Yunhee was sure it wasn't proper to remove footwear at a masquerade, but her feet were growing increasingly tender in the five-inch heels, and her ribs were beginning to ache under the skin-tight dress.

The sooner they left, the better. All she wanted to do was rip the gown off and change into her pyjamas. That, and lock herself in her room and never speak to Park Jimin again. She was in a slump after being abandoned on the balcony, her pride wounded and her emotions chaotic after their near kiss.

Why had Jimin deserted her right at that very moment? Why had he left her embarrassed and in a flustered state? Was it because he realised that kissing her would be a huge mistake?

No, Jimin was many things, but he was not a coward and he was not heartless. She'd heard the desperation in his voice and seen the panic in his eyes when he'd ordered her not to move. He'd promised her that he'd let nothing happen to her, that Taehyung was not here tonight, but something in the way he'd acted told her the tables may have taken a sudden turn.

If that was the case, then Jimin really needed to hurry his arse back.

With an exasperated sigh, Yunhee adjusted her dainty mask, trying to shift it so it didn't irritate her nose as much. Maybe it would be improper to shake off her shoes and loosen her dress, but would it hurt to remove the accessory cutting into her face?

'Miss Hahm,' a sonorous voice reached her ears.

Yunhee's fingers froze over her mask, her eyes glued to a grassy spot below as she tried to work out if the jump would kill her or only injure her.

Scrap that, there was no way she was getting over the balustrade in this dress.

Closing her eyes, Yunhee counted to three and then turned to face the man who'd stumbled across her.

'Mr. Kim,' she greeted while fighting to keep her voice steady.

Taehyung was dressed impeccably, his navy blue suit spun from rich silk and embroidered with gold. Beneath his jacket lay a crisp white shirt, its collar ruffled around his neck to give him the air of a 17th Century nobleman. The mask upon his face completed the outfit, framing a set of features she once found incredibly attractive.

'My, my, precious,' Taehyung's satiny voice and lustful eyes slithered over her, 'don't you look delectable.'

'You're here.'

Why is he here? Yunhee thought while trying not to panic.

'I live here,' he replied, amusement knitted into his velvety voice as he approached. 'The question is; why are you here?'

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