Chapter 11

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It was him

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It was him. Tae was here, at the House of Cards.

Thankful beyond belief, Yunhee flew across the room and launched herself into his arms, almost knocking him over. A wisp of breath lodged in Tae's throat, his body growing rigid when she buried her face in his neck.

'Thank goodness you're here,' she blubbered, her voice muffled against his smooth skin. 'I've been so scared. You just disappeared! Where did you go?'

When Tae didn't respond, Yunhee pulled away, her hands clinging to his neck as he stared blankly at her. He seemed lost for words, his questioning eyes searching hers as her fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck.

'Are you okay?' she asked urgently as she slid her hands around to inspect his face. Tae's eyebrows shot up in surprise, the arms that had been dangling by his side finally lifting to brush her waistline. 'Jesus, Tae. Say something!'

'Hello.' Tae tentatively cupped her cheek and tilted his head in wonder. The marvel in his eyes was almost enough to make her forget their recent breakup. That and the tingles his touch sent along her spine. 'I'm perfect, thank you.'

Yunhee eased out of his clasp and hurried back to the desk. There was time for questions later. Right now, they needed to leave, but not before tidying the mess she'd created while ransacking Jimin's bureau.

'We need to get out of here,' Yunhee blustered while straightening up the laptop and reshuffling a pot of pens. 'This is a surrealistic nightmare, Tae. How'd you manage to get us tangled up in all this shit?'

Tae sauntered towards her, watching with amused interest as she aligned a fountain pen with a leather-bound notebook.

'What were you looking for?'

'My phone,' Yunhee muttered distractedly as she stacked up a pile of scattered books, 'Namjoon took it from me yesterday.'

'Ah,' Tae hummed, tapping his pointer finger on his chin, 'I see.'

Baffled by his tone, Yunhee glanced up, astonished to find the man leaning calmly against the desk with his arms folded and a curious smile on his face. What was with him? Had he hit his head and seen a shit load of stars too?

'I could use that fierce man with a gun right now,' Yunhee said as she neatened up a stack of papers.

Tae snatched her wrist and tutted in disapproval as he eyed the documents she'd just touched. His mouth curved into an unsettling smile, his eyes finally meeting hers and making Yunhee falter when a foreboding whisper filtered through the air.

Great, now she was hearing things, but the look Tae sent her was penetrating, his chocolate irises filled with warning as he forced her hand away from the papers.

'Your phone's not here, sweetcheeks,' he announced in a coarse, gravelly voice.

Sweetcheeks? Tae had never called her that.

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