Chapter 16

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The bright glow from the TV illuminated the living room as Yunhee stuffed nachos in her mouth and thumbed through a book she'd picked off the shelf

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The bright glow from the TV illuminated the living room as Yunhee stuffed nachos in her mouth and thumbed through a book she'd picked off the shelf.

Aside from the distinct title, Hippies in the City, if anyone were to ask her what it was about, she couldn't have answered. Her mind was permeated with Jimin and why he wasn't back at the apartment as it pushed 2AM.

It was useless trying to sleep; her overactive brain wouldn't allow it. Since Jimin had brusquely left her with his men, Yunhee had watched TV, paced the apartment, listened to music, and had even gone so far as to clean up after Jin had left the kitchen looking like a bomb had dropped.

It had crossed her mind to sneak out, but one, there was nowhere for her to go, and two, Jin had not left her side all evening.

The purple-haired man dozed on the sofa, a string of drool on his chin as his snores filled the air. Yunhee thought he was an oddball, but extremely sweet and kind-hearted. He was also a far cry from the man who'd assisted in her kidnap.

Did Jin and Namjoon genuinely have no idea about their friend's life as Mafia King? The two of them were unwavering in their belief that he had died, but how could Jimin be dead when he was out there right now playing Mission Impossible?

Jamming another three nachos into her mouth, Yunhee licked her fingers and absentmindedly turned a page.

Perhaps the present mayhem was linked to them hitting their heads in the warehouse? With the way things were heading, it wouldn't be long until her and Jimin were chucked in a mental asylum. An eternity of hell locked away with that overbearing arsewipe of a-

'Evening, Little Legs.'

A shower of corn chips flew into the air, and the book on Yunhee's knee dropped to the floor when she jumped at the unexpected voice.

Jimin stood in front of her, a comical expression on his face as he gave her the once over. Crickey, when did he come in? The man was like a ninja. Then again, she had been pretty distracted by the bright pictures in the book.

'Little Legs?' Yunhee complained as his new pet name sank in.

Crouching down, Jimin retrieved the rainbow coloured book, pulled an ugly expression at the title and handed it back before bouncing into the empty space beside her. Too stunned to speak, Yunhee side-eyed the calm man, disturbed by his cavalier attitude and lack of explanation.

'Where's Joon?' he asked, audaciously delving into the bag of nachos as he eyed the sleeping Jin at the opposite end of the sofa.

'In bed,' Yunhee pouted, holding the nachos out of reach. 'It's almost morning. Where've you been?'

'Taking care of business,' Jimin answered through a mouthful of food as he reached for more snacks.

'Nuh-uh,' Yunhee blustered, snatching the bag out of reach. His blasé attitude pissed her off, that and the fact that he'd left earlier with little explanation. 'You're gonna have to do better than that. Tell me where you've been or-?'

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