Chapter 39

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Okay, guys! It's time for some serious development between these two kids

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Okay, guys! It's time for some serious development between these two kids. The next two chapters are best read together, so enjoy the double update. I'm so excited. Thanks again for all the amazing votes and comments :D x


A fresh breeze rippled through Jimin's hair, the red sun warming his face as he hugged his knees and curled his bare toes in the sand

He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this at ease; work at the House of Cards consumed his life. But today, the serenity of the sea carried away the filth that stained his soul.

Jebu-ri Island was peaceful. It was healing.

Despite the tranquillity, Yunhee played on his mind. He couldn't erase the panic he'd seen in her eyes when he'd found her in the bathroom at the masquerade, nor the insanity in Taehyung's when he'd entertained him with tales of humiliation and terror.

Jimin wondered what his reflection would present if he were to look in the mirror. Eyes he barely recognised anymore? Eyes filled with emotions he hadn't felt since he was a child?

It was hard to dispel the nausea. If Yunhee was harmed in any way, if she was taken, he couldn't live with the guilt of knowing he'd dragged her into this madness. What if he couldn't help her? The pain and remorse of not saving his mother had chewed him up and spat him out until there was nothing left of him.

For years he'd survived, enduring the agonising grief by hiding behind the frosty exterior of a mob boss, but he wasn't sure he could do it again.

He didn't want to. Not with her.

'Penny for your thoughts.'

Jimin lifted his head, his mouth parting in surprise when he saw Yunhee. She was silhouetted against the setting sun, her shadowed face framed by an outline of wild hair that swayed in the wind.

'I'll not burden you,' Jimin smiled, shielding his eyes as he soaked her up. She was wearing a pair of comfy slacks, a fitted tank-top that hugged her figure, and an oversized cardigan that looked like it had been pulled from her grandma's wardrobe.

Perhaps it had.

'You look lovely.'

Yunhee's face contorted as she looked down at her clothing. 'Stop trying to kiss my arse, Park. I preferred it when you said I looked like shit.'

Jimin chortled and patted the sand beside him as he leaned on his forearms. Yunhee complied, twirling on one foot and collapsing to the ground with a cute yelp.

'Still no joy?' Jimin asked.

'Nope.' The sun reflected off her skin, highlighting her delightful features as she looked out over the water. 'I get death threats every time I ask the guy a question.'

'Ahhh,' Jimin half laughed, half sighed as he glanced back out to sea, 'good old Joon. Always so dedicated and focused. So serious.'

Yunhee nodded and rested her arms on top of her knees before slanting her head to glance at him. 'You seem chirpy. Did the sleep help?'

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