Chapter 27

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'I can't believe I shot those men!' Yunhee said avidly as she climbed the staircase to the apartment

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'I can't believe I shot those men!' Yunhee said avidly as she climbed the staircase to the apartment.

Her skin was moist, her limbs and muscles aching from head to toe, but there was a huge sense of accomplishment despite injuring several men.

'I'm not surprised, to be honest,' Jimin retorted.

He was right behind her on the stairs, gifting her with a wicked smile when she peeked over her shoulder. His shirt was stained with blood, his damp hair stuck to his clammy forehead, but his expression was joyful, just like during their wild ordeal at the brothel.

'Meaning?' Yunhee raised an eyebrow as they cleared the steps and walked to the apartment door.

'Meaning, you're a firecracker, and should be kept away from a gun at all times.'

'You gave me a gun. Two guns, to be precise,' Yunhee pointed out as she fished around her pockets for the key. 'And what about that job offer?'

'You said you wouldn't be my moll.' Jimin leaned lazily against the wall, his lips quirking into a devious grin as she patted down her clothing. 'But I've always fancied a secretary.'

'Not a cat in hell's chance!' Yunhee chortled, kicking his foot as she trawled her clothing. 'Where did I put it?'

Jimin reached into his back pocket, producing the exact item she was trying to locate. Yunhee had no idea when or how he'd taken the key from her; the past couple of hours had been filled with brothels, strangulation, and shooting unscrupulous men.

He was about to hand it to her, but held it at bay when she reached out, his face no longer euphoric, but laced with concern.

'You shot three men today,' Jimin said quietly as his troubled eyes searched her face. 'Are you okay?'

Yunhee gulped, her gaze falling to the bruises on his neck.

That had been a close call. Too close.

Seeing that man's hands wrapped around Jimin's throat was sickening, and she'd wanted to fire the weapon three hundred times to help him, but she'd been terrified of hurting Jimin instead. Sliding the gun across the floor was all she could think to do at that moment.

'It was either them or us.'

Satisfied with her answer, Jimin nodded, chewing pensively on his bottom lip as he toyed with the key. He still didn't hand it to her, he regarded her with a curious look in his eyes, and strangely, Yunhee felt it too.

Neither of them wanted to walk into the apartment yet. It was as if the sparks they'd experienced since at Texas Village would die the minute they stepped inside.

Visiting Mae Siyeon's address had turned into an escapade that had left Yunhee petrified yet longing for more. The high dose of adrenaline when she'd pulled the trigger, Jimin's protection as he'd backed her into the hallway, the vivacity in his eyes when he had openly flirted with her amidst the danger.

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