Chapter 12

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'Oh, yes,' Jimin cackled in satisfaction

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'Oh, yes,' Jimin cackled in satisfaction.

Cockily swiping his tongue across his teeth, he revved the Lexus LFA Nürburgring, feeling the engine rumble beneath him as he eagerly waited for the traffic light to change. The second he saw amber, his foot hit the gas, the g-force of the acceleration propelling him into his seat as the rubber screeched on the tarmac.

A snigger vibrated in his chest as the white sports car soared through Seoul, leaving a trail of blurred lines as he sailed past other vehicles. Jimin's fingers tightened on the red leather of the wheel, his eyes focused on swerving around every car he advanced on.

Bloody hell, she was a flawless ride. An imported right-hand drive with track tyres, twenty-inch alloys, and a powerful engine that made him feel so godlike he almost forgot about the dilemma of losing his bargaining chip.

Sadly, the absolute beauty didn't belong to him. Miss Hahm aside, it had been a while since Jimin had taken anything by force, but after countless unsuccessful attempts to contact his men, he'd decided that abusing his power to hijack a car was his only option to get back to the House of Cards as quickly as possible.

As he approached the heart of Itaewon, Jimin slowed the Lexus and coasted along the street where his club was located. His vigilant eyes checked out the nightlife crowd, keeping a lookout for Jin and Namjoon.

He was in no particular mood to see them based on their recent display of loyalty, but if they'd taken it upon themselves to return before him, Tae would no longer be at the top of his hit list.

Cutting the engine at the front of the property, Jimin hopped out and dug out his phone.

The network was still down, which pissed him off beyond belief at such a critical time. Tendrils of stress crept through his veins and dampened his mood, the dull throb in his dick reminding him not to underestimate Tae's girlfriend once he got his hands on her.

That woman. He was going to find her. And then he was going to shoot her.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do that without his two invaluable Kimber Raptors that had inexplicably disappeared when he'd woken up on top of Miss Hahm in the warehouse. He'd first put it down to the cunning wench taking them while he was out cold, but Jimin had discreetly patted her down when he'd carried her across the yard.

She definitely wasn't hiding them, which left him completely mystified.

No guns. No men. A searing headache brought on by the maelstrom of stars that made zero fucking sense.

Jimin shook his head and thrust his phone away, vowing to have answers before sunrise. He stormed to the entrance of his club, ready to rain hell on Jin and Namjoon the minute he collared them, but when he was met with an unfamiliar bouncer questioning his reasons for being there, Jimin nearly popped a nut.

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