Chapter 45

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Short and achingly sweet

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Short and achingly sweet. Enjoy :D x


Yunhee awoke with a start and shuffled on the bed.

She had no recollection of drifting off, no idea what time it was or how long she had been there. Her mind had battled to stay awake, but her body was depleted, dragging her into a nightmare of unconsciousness filled with horrible screams and splattering blood.

With a distressing sob, she tugged at her wrists, frustrated to discover she was no freer than she'd been before falling asleep. Her face was red and blotchy, her bare legs covered in a layer of goosebumps as she wriggled aggressively.

Hoseok had taken pleasure in tying her to a bed, just like he'd taken pleasure in binding her wrists on the way to Pyeongchang-dong.

She'd fought him tooth and nail, pulled hair from his scalp, scratched his face and drawn blood, but he'd crawled on top of her and pinned her to the backseat, her mind punctured with images of Jungkook beating Jin and Namjoon when he'd carried her through the beach house.

It was the piercing gunshot that plagued her, though, the reverberation echoing in her head over and over from the moment she'd heard it.


Yunhee willed herself not to throw up. She couldn't bear the thought. She couldn't...if they'd hurt her friends, if Jimin was dead...

Another cry left her throat, this one spiked with irritation as she jerked on the bonds holding her arms above her head. Her shoulder joints ached from being pulled at an awkward angle, the rope burning the skin at her wrists, but she didn't care.

She needed to get out.

When the door to the bedroom creaked open, Yunhee instantaneously ceased her efforts. She knew who it was before he came into view, the fine hairs on her arms rising when his heels clicked sharply along the floorboards.

The pace was so agonisingly slow she could see him sauntering in her head; that smarmy face and those contemptuous eyes no doubt watching her with a telling smirk.

Kim Taehyung.

Yunhee wondered how long it would be until he showed his face. He was the reason she was here, after all. No doubt he was here to taunt her in her distressed state before packing her off to Alexander Volkov, but what if the deal was broken?

Would he kill her in retaliation?

Fuck, she wasn't supposed to be here when he found out what they'd done. None of this was supposed to happen.

The bed dipped by her side, but Yunhee refused to look in his direction, not even when he spoke.

'Aw, look at you.' Taehyung's voice dripped with mockery, but she kept her eyes on the intricate patterns decorating the ceiling, even when he shifted to produce something from his pocket. 'You weren't lying; he really is the double of me.'

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