Chapter 41

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Jimin needed coffee

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Jimin needed coffee.

He was knackered after a restless night with barely any sleep. Even when he'd dragged himself to bed, his thoughts were consumed with Yunhee. Walking with her on the beach, talking for hours, feeling every ounce of the connection they shared.

Call it fate, call it destiny, it didn't matter. Everything that had transpired between them in the past was no coincidence.

Tae was meant to ask for her phone number. He was meant to embezzle from Jimin so that he would kidnap his girlfriend in exchange for money. Every single encounter and every single happenstance had created a butterfly effect that would eventually throw them together.

But now he was going crazy.

Yunhee aroused him beyond belief, and to top it off, he'd discovered that she'd split up with her arsehole of a boyfriend. He should have been pissed with her for withholding the truth, but all he could think about was the fact that she was single.

How could he possibly let her walk away without kissing her?

Jimin had been dying to taste her lips all evening, and the minute his mouth brushed hers on the veranda, he felt his world explode. Namjoon's timing was maddening, but the news that he'd finally made a breakthrough was vital and it would be selfish of him to be angry.

The job was done; the important email had been planted in Taehyung's inbox. Yet, an uneasy feeling brewed in Jimin's gut. If Taehyung caught wind of what they'd done and discovered their location, they were in big trouble.

Opening the cupboard, Jimin released a noisy yawn and scanned the barren shelves.

Great. They really needed to go shopping.

'Morning!' a cheerful voice greeted as he closed the cabinets and turned around.

Jin bounced into the kitchen, his purple hair stuck up in all directions as he threw a sweatshirt over his head and made a beeline for the fridge.

'It's empty. Like the rest of the kitchen,' Jimin stated as Jin opened the cooler. With a harrowing mewl, he rolled his eyes and quickly slammed it shut. 'We have the ramen that we packed if you're that hungry?'

'God, no,' Jin moaned as he rubbed his sleepy eyes, 'if I never see a packet of ramen again, it'll be too soon.'

Jimin agreed as Jin shuffled tiredly towards the doorway. The man looked as exhausted as he did; no wonder after hours and hours of hacking into Taehyung's-


Jimin cringed in response to the thunderous war cry that shook the house. Holy hell, the man was like a foghorn and clearly not half as tired as he looked. He was ready to reprimand him for potentially waking Yunhee, but the sound of heavy footsteps upstairs stopped him.

'Way to go, dick head,' Jimin muttered as not only Namjoon, but Yunhee barrelled down the stairs and into the kitchen.

The panicky duo wore alarmed expressions, Namjoon shirtless and panting heavily, Yunhee's eyes the size of planets as she hurried towards Jimin wearing next to nothing. Her hair was chaotic, her bare legs on display beneath a t-shirt that barely covered her thighs as the material cascaded over her chest.

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