Chapter 15

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'I'll take the couch,' Jimin offered begrudgingly

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'I'll take the couch,' Jimin offered begrudgingly.

'Yes, you will,' Yunhee responded without argument.

Jimin grumbled a disagreement under his breath as he stared at the three-seater with Yunhee by his side. It was 3AM, he was dead on his feet and could have slept on a bed of nails. Still, the snob in him was recoiling at the idea of lying on the garish sofa full of lumps, bumps and holes.

After mooching around, Jimin had discovered that the apartment was minuscule, for his standards, at least. The home that was somehow occupied by his two men consisted of a living room, kitchen, two double bedrooms, and a bathroom you could barely swing a cat in.

Jin, the sweetheart, had kindly given up his boudoir to Miss Hahm, opting to bed down on the floor in Namjoon's room, leaving the uncomfortable looking sofa for the losing party.

What he wouldn't give for his plush super king mattress right now.

'Are there any blankets?' he asked meekly.

'Dunno,' Yunhee shrugged, scratching her nose as she gazed at nothing, 'guess I can ask Jin when he gets back.'

Jimin sighed, not moving from his spot as the two of them continued to gaze at the couch.

It was an odd thing, Miss Hahm asking the man who was supposed to be his best friend the questions, but the guy who'd bounced out of the apartment to grab food for his guests was not the one he had grown up with. He could ask Namjoon, but that sullen bastard - whoever he was - had not shown his face since storming off over an hour ago.

'Right,' Jimin mumbled, 'okay.'

Yunhee groaned in discomfort, startling Jimin out of his stupor. He furtively eyed her from the side, noticing the little woman swaying on her feet like a child way past their bedtime.

He had to give her credit; it was the first time either of them had stopped since everything had kicked off, and even though she looked like crap and had done nothing but gripe, Miss Hahm was still on her feet and trying to remain strong.

'I'm getting some water and going to bed,' she declared, trudging off to the kitchen and leaving Jimin alone with his jumbled thoughts. He knew the sensible thing to do was to sleep, but he couldn't help but wonder what his next step was going to be.

So many questions ricocheted around his mind. What was he going to do? Where was he going to go from here? And what the hell had happened to his two men, Jin and Namjoon?

They'd changed into complete ponces and were shacking up in Austin Powers' love pad. Not only that, but they were claiming they hadn't seen him - not for two hours - but two years.

Jimin had checked the newspapers; it was still 2019, so that ruled the crazy idea of time travel out. Even though he'd insisted that Miss Hahm was out of her mind, he hadn't forgotten Suga or Tae's words back at the House of Cards.

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