Chapter 19

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Yunhee nodded in agreement at Jimin's proclamation of wonder as they stared up at the spectacle before them.

The National Library of Korea was a spectacular sight, a contemporary structure with infinite glass windows providing a constant stream of natural daylight. Every floor was visible from the lobby, each level framed with a balcony that curved like a theatre circle.

'You've never visited before?' she asked the man standing by her side.

'It's not really my scene,' Jimin said dryly, 'but it's extraordinary.'

Yunhee smiled and stole a sideways glance at him. That unique profile of his - one she swore she'd seen a million times before - was on full display, his perfectly flat nose and cheekbones slanted as he gazed up at the impressive array of floors.

The bruise inside his eye socket was fading to a murky shade of yellow, his swollen lip on the mend, but the tiny white plaster did little to aid the unpleasant nick on his brow.

Yunhee smirked; that bad boy was going to leave a scar.

Jimin's Adam's apple bobbed beneath the smooth skin of his neck as he continued to gape at their surroundings. Today, he wore the leather jacket Jin had given him, a pair of skinny black jeans, and a beanie that pushed his ash hair over his forehead.

He looked different. He

'Where to, Sherlock?'

Shit. Jimin was talking to her, fiddling with his hat as the corners of his lips tugged into a knowing smile.

Yunhee blushed profusely, pulling down her baseball cap to hide her embarrassment.

Earlier, she'd opted to wear her I'm With Stupid beanie to prove a point after he'd walked in on her half-naked, but Jimin had whipped it from her head on the way out, replacing it with a baseball cap and giving her a firm reminder that they were incognito.

The man was bold, shameful, and indubitably getting on her nerves. Still, she couldn't help but feel a comforting sense of safety whenever they were together.

Forcing all her inexplicable feelings aside, Yunhee scanned the overheard signs until she spotted what they needed.

Korean Newspaper Archive: Level 3

'Third floor.'

Yunhee scurried to the elevator, hoping to catch the double doors as they slid closed, but Jimin whooshed past her, slapping his hand between the metal frames before they could shut.

'Thanks,' she mumbled, avoiding eye contact as she hopped on and backed against the handrail.

'No problem,' he coughed, pressing the button for level three.

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