Chapter 3

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Yunhee lathered soap suds over her tender skin as she sang at the top of her lungs

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Yunhee lathered soap suds over her tender skin as she sang at the top of her lungs. Last night had left her feeling beat from head to toe, but the hot water from the shower dulled the ache in her bones and refreshed her drowsy mind.

While waiting for Tae, Yunhee had readied dinner and selected a movie. An hour later, the man returned from his mystery outing, tiredly flopping onto the sofa beside her with a plate of fried chicken and a bottle of beer. As per usual, he had no desire to discuss his whereabouts, so Yunhee had dropped the subject and focused on the television instead.

The unease dripping from him was unbearable, that and the constant line of worry etched on his brow. What she wouldn't give to see that beautiful smile of his.

Yunhee had leaned into him and stroked the bare skin of his arm while his eyes stared blankly at the TV. She knew he wasn't paying attention, but the more her fingers caressed him, the more Tae relaxed, until he eventually shifted to catch her lips in a soft, needy kiss.

Five minutes later and Tae was crawling over her body, the movie skipping six chapters ahead when his knee caught the TV remote. Neither of them cared as his lips devoured her mouth and his fingertips bruised her flesh. The exchange was heated; she could sense his distress and the desperation in his chaste kisses. And so she'd allowed him to take control, to undress her on the couch and have his way.

The sex had been rough, Tae growling in her ear as he ploughed into her. And then he'd carried her to their room to continue his assault, not letting up until they both passed out from exhaustion. Yunhee wasn't sure what was eating him, but she hoped that he'd gotten whatever it was out of his system and that was the end of it.

'I thought someone was being slaughtered,' Tae said groggily as he slid the shower door open and stepped in to join her.

'Charming!' Yunhee exclaimed, whacking his arm. Tae sniggered as the water hit his head and wet hair slithered into his eyes.

'Good morning,' he hummed, taking her face and stroking her jawline with his thumb.

'Morning.' Yunhee welcomed his warm lips and pulled away to grab the shampoo, but Tae pressed his body into hers.

She gasped when her back collided with the cold tiles, allowing him the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth and work its magic on her. Yunhee sighed; apparently, he wasn't done yet, which left her utterly screwed for the day. There was no way in hell she could resist the man when he was seducing her in such a manner. Tae knew exactly what to say, how to kiss and touch her.

How to look at her and make her forget their broken relationship.

'Last night was amazing,' Tae mumbled, kissing her neck as stroked her breast and fondled her arse, 'you're so fucking sexy.'

'Stop trying to sweet-talk me. I have to be at work in less than an hour,' she moaned, trying to keep her senses. When Tae dipped his head and took a nipple into his mouth, Yunhee knew she wasn't going anywhere. 'Tae...'

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