Author's Note & Thank You

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There they are <3

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There they are <3


2nd April 2020

I am not even sure where to begin.

Firstly, I completed Hahm today during a lockdown in turbulent times. I feel both elated and immensely sad about it ending, and I'm filled with a strange sense of emotion after months of planning, writing and pure grafting.

It's been one hell of a journey, to say the least, but it's far from over.

I could thank you all until I am blue in the face, and I DO thank you all because without my readers, this adventure wouldn't have been half as joyous. There are a handful of people that I truly need to thank, though, the beautiful ladies who have been there from the start, supported me, provided feedback, love, laughter and tears.

To Nicole (my first official Hahmburger) - for your crazy squealing voice messages, and the tears you shed over the character's happiness and pain. I wouldn't change you for the world and hope to hear more in the sequel!

To Keisha (Jimin's one true love) - for every Friday night and bottle of wine we have shared with the boys. And for falling in love with BTS and appreciating the worth of this story. JAY-KAAAY.

To Libby (my sweet little Vampire co-writer) - for your endless support, for keeping me inspired, and for sharing lots of juicy Kim Taehyung ideas late at night.

To Rosa (my secret little Italian Mafia Tae supporter) - you may be a later bloomer, but your love for Hahm means the world. I know you didn't want a mention, but you're bloody well getting one.

Thank you to all four of you for being awesome.

Lastly, to Yunhee and Jimin. My babies who I love with all my heart. Don't worry, you'll get your time, I promise.

Tan x

Hahm | PJM - KTH ✓ (Hahm Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now