Chapter 14

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'Not so fast!'

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'Not so fast!'

Jimin pursued Yunhee up the six flights of stairs, his ragged breath right behind her as he jogged to keep up. When she reached her floor, she slowed and walked down a hallway holding four doors, leaning against a wall to calm her burning lungs. Her eyes met Jimin's, his blood-covered face sweaty as he rested his hands on his knees and looked up at her.

'Shit,' Yunhee wheezed, sliding down the wall to land on her bum. 'I'm so unfit.'

'Unfit?' Jimin panted as he straightened up. 'You ran from me like a cheetah at the warehouse.'

'That was adrenaline,' Yunhee disputed. 'In case you failed to notice, I don't like being around you.'

Jimin grinned cheekily. 'But you invited me in.'

'Would you have let me go so easily if I hadn't?' Yunhee's pupils flared.


'Then, I rest my case.'

'Whatever,' Jimin threw her usual childish comeback in her face, 'I'd appreciate it if you'd stay by my side, Miss Hahm.'

'You don't own me,' she sassed, eyeing his legs and wondering if it'd be a good idea to kick the arrogant swine.

'I don't, but right now, I believe we need each other.'

Yunhee jumped to her feet. 'You mean you need me for money.'

'Yes. I need you for money, and you need me for protection. It's a classic case of bribery.'

Yunhee's cheeks blushed red as she rose onto her tip-toes and got in his face. Jimin smirked at her as he sucked on his teeth, astonishingly not backing away even after the countless blows she'd given him.

'What?' he shrugged nonchalantly, brushing a piece of lint from his shirt.

'You...' Yunhee simmered as his eyebrows shot up in challenge, but she couldn't find the words to respond.

Perhaps she was insane letting him into her apartment when she was supposed to be putting as much distance as possible between them. Last night, she would have given her right arm to escape his clutches, but a lot of strange things had happened since then.

Really strange.

It was probably wise to keep him close until she could figure out what was going on. Still, that didn't stop her from hating how the egotistical git was using it against her.

'I don't need you,' Yunhee uttered, having to get the last word in as she spun around and strode to one of the doors.

'You do,' Jimin sang with a crooked smile as he followed her.

Closing her eyes, Yunhee summoned an ounce of patience while retrieving the spare key from her pocket. 'Shut up.'

For now, she wanted to forget what had occurred at the House of Cards and erase the unpleasant memories. She didn't want to think about - as Park Jimin had so kindly put it - the way her friends had looked at her, nor the disturbing reasons for locking her in that storage room.

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