Chapter 21

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Jimin whacked his car door shut, a string of obscenities leaving his mouth as he locked the vehicle

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Jimin whacked his car door shut, a string of obscenities leaving his mouth as he locked the vehicle. He thought he could sneak out for half an hour, grab a few personal items, and be back before anyone noticed, but no.

The second he slipped on his jacket and picked up his key, a flashing beacon saying I'm Going Shopping appeared on his head.

Yunhee had run from the bedroom and asked him to fetch three packets of ramen and a lady's razor. Unable to speak, Jimin had nodded, trying to rush out before he was accosted again, but then Jin had appeared requesting a purple hair dye called Lilac Crush, followed by Namjoon who wanted condoms.

The list went on, and now - as Jimin strode down the street towards the local store in Daechi - he had a shopping list the length of his arm filled with female toiletries and bloody Durex.

Screwing up the paper in his fist, Jimin kept his head low and hurried along the pavement.

As if visiting the supermarket to buy his own shopping wasn't humiliating enough, he'd captured his enemy's love, fallen through a vortex with her, and then taken an abnormal shining to the woman. The situation was turning into a classic case of Lima Syndrome.

He'd been a fool not to believe Yunhee about the parallel world. Of course, she was right. Not only was she smart and witty with nerves of steel, but she was exceedingly perceptive; half the reason he admired her to begin.

For the past twelve hours, Jimin hadn't stopped thinking about the eerie blue light they'd stumbled across in the warehouse. The way his fingers had disappeared had freaked him out beyond belief.

How was that even possible?

The discovery had answered a lot of questions for the group. It was a welcome relief, which had released some tension within the apartment, but it also confirmed what Jimin feared most. He'd left behind two of the greatest men he'd ever known, and was now lumbered with two of the biggest numpties he'd ever known.

Regardless of their mental state, Jin and Namjoon were innocent. The only loyalty Jimin had ever felt was towards his comrades, but after five days of living with their doppelgängers, he couldn't help but warm to them.

He'd brought danger into their lives the minute he'd walked into their home, and the thought of anything happening to the pair made him feel uneasy. It was his responsibility to protect them.

Just like it was his responsibility to protect Yunhee.

Jesus, where did he even begin with that woman? Firstly, a part of him was always incensed with jealousy every time Namjoon advanced on her. Secondly, Jimin realised he was thinking less and less about the money Tae had stolen.

And lastly...he wanted the vision of Yunhee and Jimin at the bar to be real.

Yunhee's question about whether or not they'd been dating had caught him off guard, but he'd be lying to himself if he said he hadn't thought about it, too.

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