Chapter 1

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September, 2019

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September, 2019

If there was one thing Hahm Yunhee took comfort in when she got home from work, it was slipping shoes from her swollen feet.

Closing the apartment door, she lifted her foot and gave her toes a gentle massage, groaning in satisfaction at how tender they felt beneath her skin.

'Tae?' she hollered, her eyes darting along the dark hallway. She worked her hand up her leg and massaged her aching calf, her fingers tracing the thin, white scar on her knee as she contemplated a cup of tea. 'You home?'

When there was no response, she dropped her leg and padded across the solid wood floor into the kitchen, hoping to find the man sitting at the table reading a book with his headphones on. Still, the room was empty, only the warm downlights illuminating the space.

Groaning, Yunhee leaned against the countertop and rubbed away the tension at the back of her neck. She'd had a particularly busy schedule on the road today - delivery after delivery - but months of hard work had finally paid off. Now all she needed was her boyfriend to share her news.

'Taehyung?' she yelled, slapping her hands against her thighs; if the man was asleep again, she was going to murder him.

Grabbing the kettle, she snapped the lid up, listening out for any signs of life before she turned on the tap. When there was still no reply, she filled the container, smacked it shut, and banged it down into the holder impatiently.

'Hey, bone head! You better get your arse out here!'


Yunhee left the kettle to boil, heading out into the dimly lit hall leading to their bedroom. The door was ajar, and so she tapped it open with her foot, hoping to catch him out as she quickly flicked on the light. She was greeted with a freshly made bed, the sheets as smooth as she had left them this morning.

'Where the hell is he?' she muttered, anxiety pooling in her belly as she shut the room off and moved back to the kitchen.

Right on cue, the apartment door opened and crashed shut, shaking the walls of the building. Yunhee's mouth curled up into a happy grin and she dashed into the living room to find Tae kicking off his shoes with a lazy yawn.

'Hey,' Yunhee greeted.

Tae stopped short, a flash of surprise etched across his features. 'Oh.'

Oh? Yunhee raised an eyebrow in question. He quickly changed his expression when he saw her face, shuffling over to greet her with a warm smile.

'Hi, baby,' he said, his voice a deep velvet that never failed to make her shiver. He kissed her forehead and pinched her hip affectionately. 'Sorry. Didn't expect you home yet.'

'I'm always home at this time, Tae,' Yunhee pointed out as Tae slipped into the kitchen. She trailed behind him as he made a beeline for the kettle, but he pivoted around when he realised it was already boiling. Thumbing over his shoulder, Tae clucked his tongue with a smirk. 'Read your mind.'

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