Chapter 43

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Jimin was inside her, all over her, a part of her

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Jimin was inside her, all over her, a part of her.

For hours their breath mingled, Yunhee's fingers exploring his body, his mouth tasting her skin until the mood shifted.

He wanted more. Yunhee needed more, and she welcomed it, almost drawing blood from her bottom lip when his strong arms secured her to the bed and his unforgiving hips thrust into her.

Jimin had taken her to new heights until she could barely remember her name.

For want of a better word, Hahm Yunhee was fucked out. And yet, her body still burned for the man whose arm was draped over her waist. Jimin was sleeping peacefully, his luscious lips swollen as she stared at him across the small space between their faces.

At least, she thought he was sleeping until he grumbled and drew her against his body.

'Go to sleep,' he muttered against her mouth before her eyelids drifted closed.

Yunhee awoke sometime later, the space around her cold and empty as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. It was still dark out, but the chirping of birds told her it was almost dawn. Moreover, Jimin was nowhere to be seen, rumpled sheets and a dented pillow the only sign that he'd been by her side.

Throwing back the covers, Yunhee stepped into her slippers and pulled Jimin's shirt over her head.

The musky scent reminded her of the charismatic man, the time they'd spent together and the intimacy they'd recently shared. Her body ached from his relentless touch, her soul alight with the afterglow of sex.

Their evening had been one of the most heartfelt and blistering encounters of her life. Her nerves still thrummed from the touch of his hands, the feel of his lips lapping up her sex, the way he'd clung to her and whispered her name.

All of this, combined with the climatic memory of their death two years ago, made Yunhee realise that there was no escaping their fate.

She didn't want to escape it. Waking without him left her out of sorts and she already missed him. Everything from his sweet kisses to his stern words and crinkling eyes and mellow laughter.

With a whimsical smile, Yunhee held the cuffs of Jimin's shirt to her nose and padded down the stairs into the living room. She stopped in the doorway when she noticed the lamp on the coffee table aglow.

Beyond that, a distractingly sexy Jimin curled up on the sofa reading a book with bare feet and untamed hair in a pair of sweatpants.

Only sweatpants.

Yunhee's face heated up at the delicious sight of his toned chest and biceps.

Heavens, it was his turn to put some bloody clothes on before she became primal.


Yunhee hid a coy smile behind her fist when Jimin's head whipped up. His surprised features settled into a relaxed expression when he saw her, and he lowered the book, his crescent eyes observing her suspiciously.

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