Chapter 48

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Taehyung closed off the dining room, but his fingers paused on the lock when something crashed violently against the door

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Taehyung closed off the dining room, but his fingers paused on the lock when something crashed violently against the door.

'Want me to drug her?' Hoseok asked with a disgusting amount of hope.

'No,' Taehyung shook his head while inspecting the scratches on his cheek, 'I like her spirit.'

Yunhee was a firecracker, and he wouldn't have her any other way.

Taehyung was very aware of the she-witch's ploy; allow him to seduce her so that she could gain the upper hand. Too bad for her he already possessed it. It didn't take much to wind the woman up to breaking point.

The shattered vase on his dining room floor was proof enough.

God, he could still taste her sweetness on his lips. He didn't care if Yunhee was playing him to get what she wanted, that kiss had knocked him sideways. How he'd refrained from tearing her underwear off and taking her on the table, he'd never know.

It was terribly tempting to march back in and take her upstairs, but his Russian associate could not wait.

Alexander Volkov never called this late in the day, which told Taehyung that something was amiss.

'I'll stay here and watch her,' Hoseok broke into his thoughts with a proposal he did not like.

'You step over that threshold, and I'll make sure you never fuck a woman again.'

Taehyung's blood simmered when a flash of lightning lit the hallway and a sharp crack of thunder followed three seconds later. The storm was close, and as much as he yearned to spend the next few hours taming Miss Hahm, time was no longer an asset.

Their evening would have to be postponed.

'Do you know what Mr. Volkov wants?' Taehyung asked as he made his way to his study.

'He refused to say,' Hoseok muttered uncomfortably as they entered together, 'only that he wishes to speak with you as a matter of urgency.'

Taehyung's lips drooped into an infantile pout as he approached the open MacBook on his desk. The screen was aglow, a video call already up and running with Alexander's unimpressed and rather impatient face sat directly in the centre.

Yes, something was definitely amiss.

'Alexander!' Taehyung greeted with a faux smile as he took a seat. Hoseok remained silent and out of view, folding his arms as he cocked his hip against the desk. 'What a coincidence, I've been meaning to speak with you about a slight amendment to our contract. It will need to be brief, however; I have a beautiful woman waiting for me. I'm sure you understand.'

'Delighted to hear that you're entertaining a conquest at this crucial time, Taehyung,' Alexander stonily replied.

'What is it I can help you with?' Taehyung kept up his happy charade despite his brewing irritation.

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