Chapter 37

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'This is the place?'

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'This is the place?'

Jin twitched his nose as he squinted at the beach house they were parked outside of.

'Y-yes,' Yunhee stammered, her eyes pooling with nostalgia as she peeked at the quaint looking structure.

Jimin had yet to learn the ins and outs of what had happened to her family, but he suspected she'd been fond of her grandma and that being here tonight was hard.

It was likely the first time she'd visited Jebu-ri since her death.

'Cute,' Namjoon nodded, switching off the engine as Yunhee clambered out of the car.

Jimin was right on her tail, one eye on their surroundings and the other on the building as she jogged up the rickety steps to the wide porch.

The house sat in midnight shadows, but he could make out white-washed slats, sage painted shutters and a front door to match. Broken terracotta pots spanned the floor, their flowers wilted or dead, and in the corner sat a decrepit rocking chair that swayed in the coastal breeze.

Perhaps, once upon a time, the cosy looking abode was full of charm and character, but as Jimin took the steps behind Yunhee, an icy chill ran down his spine.

The island was quiet, waves breaking on sand in the distance, but it was 1AM and he was on high alert and listening for approaching cars above the lulling ocean.

Yunhee crouched in front of the door, riddled with apprehension as she peeled the soiled mat off the floorboards. A sigh of relief passed Jimin's lips when he spotted the rusty key beneath, his eyes darting left and right to check for danger as she picked it up and sprang to her feet.

'Kinda handy having minor details the same in both worlds,' Namjoon commented as he hauled his backpack and Yunhee's suitcase up the steps. 'The location of a spare key, for example.'

'It's been more than helpful for me,' Jimin responded wryly as Yunhee cleaned the key on her sweatpants, 'weird, but helpful.'

There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes as she slotted it into the lock, and Jimin wondered if she half expected to find her grandma home when she stepped in.

It wasn't impossible. While tiny elements such as the spare key and Taehyung's safe codes were one and the same, there were one or two majorly disturbing differences between their worlds.

Jimin and Yunhee's deaths, for one thing. Yunhee's grandma being alive and well was not unfeasible.

'Hurry up,' Jin grumbled while heaving his night bag higher on his shoulder, 'I left my coat back at the apartment and I'm freezing.'

Namjoon rolled his eyes as Yunhee unlocked the door and began to twist the handle. 'Here goes nothing.'

'Wait.' Jimin's hand covered hers, their eyes meeting as he shook his head in warning. 'Let me go first.'

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