Sequel Teaser

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Morning guys, how are we all doing?

Well, holy cow. I woke up to see I had hit another milestone today. 20k views! That is nothing short of phenomenal! Thank you soooo much!

I wanted to also give you an update on the sequel, and a tiny TINY teaser of what to expect!

So, 'Hahm: Two Worlds Apart' is so much more intricate than Hahm itself. Like, SO much more. My mind boggles every day as I scour through pages and pages of notes lmao. We're dealing with two worlds now, kiddos. :D

Firstly, my friend Keisha is helping me plan this time around. We are working around the clock to develop the story. It's coming along swimmingly. Honestly, we have planned so much over the past two weeks, but there is a lot more to go yet. I am going to level with you now and say it's going to be a couple of months before you see the prologue and first chapter (maaaaybe less due to lockdown :D). But it will be worth it, I promise.

Our aim is to map out the story first. We're currently at the stage of plotting and coming up with ideas with a rough skeleton of order. From there we will go back and pad each chapter out, make sure everything flows, adds up and that there are no plot holes etc. Lastly, we will read it all back, add fine details, and then...I will start writing!

The beauty of this process is that the story is ready, so I can literally bang out the chapters as they are pretty much already written :)

A few things to expect:

- Jimin & Yunhee (of course) :D <3

- A deliciously bad Mafia Tae with an unhealthy obsession that will leave your toes tingling.

- The wonderfully fun guys who were left behind in the Real World.

- New characters to spice up some relationships.

- Danger, intrigue, banter, comedy *cough* sex *cough*

Anyway, I wanted to update you and say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

See you soon, Hahmburgers

Tan & Quiche x


16th April 2020

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