Chapter 4

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'Rub them harder, Tae!' Yunhee whined, pushing her bare foot into her boyfriend's grasp

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'Rub them harder, Tae!' Yunhee whined, pushing her bare foot into her boyfriend's grasp.

Tae grunted, his fingers massaging the balls of her feet for about five seconds before he eased off and became distracted by the living room TV.

Yunhee groaned and threw her head back in frustration. She was lying on the sofa, her legs stretched out over Tae's lap as she drank tea and relaxed. The man had offered to give her a tootsie rub, but he wasn't putting his heart and soul into it like she'd imagined all day.

'Hey!' she nudged him. Tae's mouth pursed into a babyish pout as he looked at her. 'I've had a long day, and my feet hurt. Put some effort in.'

'I've a long day too,' he mumbled, his fingers digging into her heels.

Yunhee watched his gloomy face, and her heart sank; Tae's troubles - whatever they were - had not been erased after their night of passionate sex. Now she felt guilty for acting selfish and demanding his attention. She didn't want to pry, but if there was something she could do to help him.

'Wanna talk about it?' she asked.

Tae gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing beneath the tight skin of his neck. Turning his head, he sent Yunhee a smile that did not reach his eyes. 'No, it's not important.'

With a renewed energy, he lifted her leg, kissed her ankle and then dropped it back into his lap. His fingers massaged her sore skin, tenderly slipping around her Achilles, over her arch and between her toes.

'How did your first day as a manager go?'

Yunhee knew that Tae was avoiding the subject of himself, but she was glad he'd asked her about her new role. Closing her eyes, she relaxed into the plush cushions and let Tae work his magic.

'It went okay. There were no hiccups, and everything was delivered on time and in one piece. Oh!' Yunhee's eyes flew open, 'can you believe my first delivery was to some corrupt club in Itaewon?'

'A corrupt club, ey?' Tae chuckled absentmindedly, tickling the pads of her feet.

'Yeah, I think it was a social of some kind. The place really gave me the creeps, not to mention a few of the guys who worked there. I need to have a chat with Byunghun about assigning the House of Cards to someone-'

'What?' Tae's hand gripped her ankle painfully. Yunhee winced, pulling her leg from his grasp.

'It's no big deal,' she assured, 'Byunghun won't mind if I address a few issues with him.'

'The House of Cards?' Tae ignored her comment, his voice three octaves higher than his usual rich tone.

'Yeah...' Yunhee replied slowly.

'And you're saying some guys at this club bothered you?'

'Not as such,' she shrugged, plopping her foot back into his lap, 'one of them made me feel a little uneasy, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.'

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