Chapter 28

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Taehyung flipped up the collar of his coat as his vigilant eyes raked over the rundown warehouse in the distance

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Taehyung flipped up the collar of his coat as his vigilant eyes raked over the rundown warehouse in the distance.

The word shithole sprang to mind.

The site wasn't difficult to locate. There were a number of warehouses on the banks beneath Gimpo Bridge, most in full working order. One, however, sat abandoned at the end of the docks, exactly how Miss Hahm had described.

His shoes crunched over gravel and broken glass, his thoughts furling after the latest report from Hoseok. The inexplicable couple had visited a brothel in Texas Village last night to enquire after one of his girls.

Apparently, they'd caused quite the stir. No doubt they'd acquired the address from the document Miss Hahm had stolen and were playing Good Cop Bad Cop in the city.

Too bad the lovely Mae Siyeon was now halfway to Russia.

Jimin was no fool. He'd have known from the moment he'd read the document what he intended to do with the long list of women, and it would drive his old friend bat-shit mad. Defending innocent women had been a weakness of Park Jimin's since the night his  mother had fallen to her death.

Had Jimin figured out that he'd love to add his courageous girlfriend to that list after debauching her senseless himself?

He'd give anything to have been a fly on the wall when they'd discovered their apartment ransacked. Hoseok and Jungkook had left their mark as he'd casually moseyed from room to room looking for hers.

He'd found Miss Hahm's boudoir easily enough, anticipation trickling over his skin knowing it was where she slept. How could he resist leaving a little reminder on her pillow that he was waiting for her to come to his bed?

Taehyung hummed, running his index finger over his lip in satisfaction; to see her pretty face when she read his words.

Drawing his collar closer, Taehyung wrenched open the metal door of the dilapidated building and stepped into the huge chamber.

His pointy chin tilted upwards as his dark eyes drank in the depressing surroundings. It was as expected; cold, empty, and miserably grey. The perfect place to hand over a beautiful woman in exchange for money.

The deeper he walked into the vast structure, the higher the hairs on his neck rose.

Outside, the night was still, but inside, a chilly draft whisked through the room, lifting his curly black fringe from his forehead.

Taehyung tilted his head, listening to the eerie breeze whistle around the chamber. There was a tantalising taste in the atmosphere, an air so frighteningly prodigious that his breath hitched in his chest.

What was this place?

That's when he saw it. An ethereal glow of blue and purple hues, so enticing that his feet moved towards it on their own accord.

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