Hahm Q&A: The Answers

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Hey, guys! So, here they are, your long awaited answers. Enjoy! :D



So, there was only one question for me in this category. The comments were mainly reviews and praise on the book, which I thank you for haha.

How did you come up with the plot of Hahm? What inspired you?

Honestly? It's all a bit vague now as it was such a long time ago. I specifically remember having an idea for a scene in my head (this is now the scene where Jimin and Yunhee make luuuuurve) and I went from there. I was sat on the loo at work and got this idea for a parallel world and two Taehyung's, one good and one evil. After that, it was months of planning before I even started writing 😊




If you had a chance to kill Taehyung, would you do it? if yes then how would you kill him?

Killing a person is not something I take lightly, but when those I know and love are in danger, when I am pushed to my limit... Taehyung was an old friend, we have ties in my world. The Taehyung who is Mafia King is a whole different story. Would I kill him? Yes, in a heartbeat to protect Yunhee. How? Well, that depends. Every day is a surprise when faced with that psychopath.

Are you scared of what Taehyung will think of you and Yunhee's new relationship?

No. It doesn't matter what I do, Taehyung is never going to like me. Will this be a kick in the nuts for him? Yes, but I trust the fate that brought Yunhee and I together. As long as she is happy, that's all that matters to me.

What was your first impression of Yunhee?

*snorts* A scruffy little shrew with no manners and a mouth bigger than South Korea. Would I change anything about her? Hell no. She's both beautiful and incredible and fills my days with wonder. It's been a while since I laughed the way she makes me laugh.

Do you ever think of once again making friends with Tae?? Do you miss him sometimes?

Tough question. Our family feud goes back a long time and it's practically ingrained in our blood. I miss the young man he used to be, the bond we shared and the good times we have, but I have that now with Jin and Namjoon. I doubt Taehyung and I will ever see eye to eye, but if he's part of Yunhee's life, I may have to make an exception from time to time. Should be interesting...

When you get back, what are your plans? Do you think getting back at normal Taehyung is even still worth it or are you gonna let it go?

So much has changed since Yunhee and I fell through the vortex. Right now, my one priority is to get back and make sure Yunhee is okay. My issue with 'normal' Taehyung is the least of my worries. Unless... he's back with Yunhee...but she wouldn't do that, I'm certain.



How are you feeling mentally right now?

A bit of a mess. I don't know if Jimin is alive, and every day is a struggle thinking of Mafia Taehyung and the things he did, so much so that it's messing up my relationship with my good friends back in my world. But I'm hopeful. Fate has a sweet way of playing its part.

So when we spilling the tea about you and Jimin? ☺️

You'll have to wait and see. I'll tell Tae and the boys before any of you readers 😉

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