Chapter 13

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Yunhee was startled to her feet when the door burst open and Jimin was thrown into the room

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Yunhee was startled to her feet when the door burst open and Jimin was thrown into the room. He landed with a grunt on his hands and knees, spitting out a mouthful of blood as the door slammed shut.

'What happened to you?' she squeaked as he cradled his ribs.

Composing himself, Jimin lifted his head with an ugly scowl. Yunhee inhaled sharply, shocked at the abysmal sight of his split eyebrow, the blood running from his nose and the fresh cut on his lip. His mouth hung open, his watery eyes searching hers as she hovered over him nervously.

'Are you alright?' he panted.

Yunhee reared back and grimaced, the concern in his voice throwing her off guard; did he think she was dumb enough to believe he actually cared?

With a short-tempered huff, she shuffled back to the chair she'd been sitting on for the past twenty minutes and plonked herself down with her arms folded.

'What do you care?' she asked stubbornly as the half-broken man heaved himself up and hobbled to the door. Her eyes widened when he rattled the handle and kicked the wood in a fit of rage.

Lordy, this geezer was beaten to a pulp and still had a temper to match her own.

'Damn it!' Jimin winced, spinning to face her with his hands on his hips.

'I already tried that,' Yunhee mumbled while picking a thread from the hem of her t-shirt.

'Of course, you did,' he shot sarcastically as he moved to inspect the rest of the room.

The space was confined, only a single bulb and a small window embedded high in the wall providing them with light. Jimin's eyes skated over the shelves lined with alcohol, sundries and office supplies before he threw his head back and cursed to the heavens.

'The storage closet? Really?' Shaking his head in disbelief, Jimin crouched and reached between the shelves, griping to himself as he patted down the dusty surfaces in search of God knows what.

Part of Yunhee wanted to get up and help, but out of principle, she refused to aid the kidnapping son-of-a-bitch who was only interested in his money. She didn't particularly care that the man had asked if she was alright, nor if he'd interfered when Hobi had struck her.

Her head was in too much turmoil over the fact that he had.

Her best friend of all time, the sweetest most endearing guy she'd ever met, had attacked her and then manhandled her into the club's closet.

On Tae's orders.

Yunhee wiped her nose, dashing away her tears before they spilled in front of the man now scraping a chair across the concrete floor.

Tae had lost the plot, Hobi had hurt her, Jungkook was smoking and Suga had threatened to hose her down. Her three lovable buddies were not only walking around like they owned the House of Cards, but they'd locked her up and chucked Jimin in after her.

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