Chapter 35

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'Kim Taehyung and his men are actively involved in human trafficking

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'Kim Taehyung and his men are actively involved in human trafficking.'

Yunhee's fingers paused over the split skin on Jimin's knuckles. After a few seconds, she continued to wipe away the dry blood, her mouth puckered in concern as she listened to him explain what he'd uncovered.

'This evening was a butterfly trap, a social event to attract women like a moth to a flame.' Jimin watched for Yunhee's reaction, seeing only her forehead crease in discomfort, but she remained silent, attaching a couple of sutures to his wound. A whimsical smile danced over his lips as his fingers twitched beneath hers. 'Seems you're always fixing my hand.'

'Seems you're always breaking it,' Yunhee muttered quietly before lifting her gaze to his, 'maybe you should learn to control that temper of yours.'

'Not gonna happen.'

Especially when it comes to you being in danger.

Yunhee narrowed her eyes and shook her head in disapproval, but when Jimin's bare foot brushed hers beneath the table and he sent her an impudent grin, she blushed and dipped her face to hide her red cheeks.

They'd returned home thirty minutes ago, a deafening silence encompassing the air when they shuffled into the apartment. Jin and Namjoon were asleep, leaving the two of them alone and at a loss of what to do.

Yunhee still looked beautiful in her dress despite her messy hair and panda eyes, but he sensed she wanted to wash away the harrowing evening and change into something comfortable. He'd tried to reach for her favourite red hoodie to help her out, but Yunhee had pulled him into the kitchen to clean up the result of taking his anger out on a tree.

Now they sat in their mussed-up clothing, Jimin's tie discarded on the table beside their guns, his top buttons undone, and his sleeves rolled up. He had just dropped the bomb about Taehyung's trafficking affairs, which Yunhee had taken surprisingly well, but he had yet to broach the subject of her being a prime target.

'You've drifted off,' Yunhee's voice floated into his thoughts, 'you were telling me what you found.'

Jimin dragged his gaze away from her lacy dress and cleared his throat.

'There's a safe under the floorboards in my bedroom at home, so I guessed there'd be one in Taehyung's room, too. My plan was to break in and gather evidence to use against him, but their sudden appearance tonight threw me.

'That's why I left you on the balcony, to draw them away. I didn't want them to see you there, but when I ran into a spot of bother with Jungkook in the ballroom, I ended up being diverted upstairs.'

'To Taehyung's bedroom?'

'Conveniently, yes. It was the perfect opportunity to check things out. Five minutes was all I needed, but then...'

Yunhee's fingers squeezed Jimin's reassuringly. 'What did you find?'

'Profiles. Detailed profiles on a range of women, most of which were at the masquerade this evening. Taehyung and his men are- ow!' Jimin flinched when her fingernails nicked his injury.

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