Chapter 42

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*blows out a breath* Holy hell, here goes nothing

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*blows out a breath* Holy hell, here goes nothing...


Jimin lay spread-eagle on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Yunhee was taking forever, and he was slowly going insane.

From the moment he'd lifted her onto the countertop this morning, he'd been itching for nighttime to set in. They'd taken an afternoon stroll along the beach, flirted, prepped food, bickered over how to bake new potatoes before flirting some more over dinner.

Their day ended on the sofa with a movie they barely watched, Jimin distracted by the fingers combing through his hair, Yunhee by the feather-light kisses around her neck and clavicles.

Jin and Namjoon even had the sense to leave them alone when they returned from the arcade, and it wasn't long before Yunhee took his hand and led him to the staircase.

They'd reached his bedroom door, he'd turned to kiss her, and then...

Hahm Yunhee decided she needed to use the bathroom.

Jimin groaned and fisted his hair. Was she avoiding him?

Frustrated beyond belief, Jimin seized the library book lying by his side and reread the countless paragraphs about wormholes and vortexes. He'd kept the book with him all this time, but not a single syllable sank in.

Get up and go to her.

Throwing the book aside, Jimin jumped up and stomped to the bedroom door. He was about to turn the handle, but when a gentle knock reverberated through the wood, he stopped dead.

Years of listening out for his enemy kept him frozen in place, his adept ears blocking out all noise so that there was only the thump of his heart and his laboured breath.


Air lodged in his throat when he whipped the door open.

Yunhee stood there, dressed in the same oversized shirt from this morning, her chest rising and falling as fast as his as she peered at him with those mesmerising eyes. Eyes Jimin was sure he'd fallen into a thousand times before in another life.

Fidgeting with the hem of her top, she scuffed her bare foot along the floor and shyly met his gaze. 'Sorry I took so long.'

God, he adored her.

Yunhee didn't say anything more; there was no chance.

Jimin snatched her wrist and tugged her into the room, his lips crashing against hers as he slapped the door shut above her head. Her arms coiled around his neck, her mouth opening to his assault as he cupped her backside and lifted her from the ground.

He relished the feel of her legs straddling his waist as he walked them across the room, the gentle touch of her hands as she clasped his face and kissed the life out of him. Jimin squeezed her arse in response, and when a delirious moan emitted from Yunhee's throat, he slipped his tongue inside her mouth and swept it against hers.

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