Chapter 51

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2 Weeks Later

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2 Weeks Later

It was cold today.

Drizzly, dank and befitting the mood of the woman standing inside the empty chamber. The grey walls of the cavernous room matched the turbulent skies outside, the smashed crates and bullet shells the only sign that something extraordinary had happened there.

Her heart sank as her toes touched the edge of the stone.

Such a lifeless and insignificant feature, yet it could destroy a life and take away everything you loved in the blink of an eye. Like the last time, there was no light, not even a faint glimmer to give her hope.

Like the last time, she felt nothing but disappointment.

Yunhee was home, but Jimin wasn't with her.

'Any change?'

With a heavy sigh, Yunhee stuffed her numb fingers into her pockets and turned to face the man standing a little way behind her. She smiled sadly, his warm eyes and graceful forehead reminding her of the handsome friend she'd recently parted with.


With a curt nod, he twitched his head towards the doors and smirked wryly. 'Come on, trouble. Let's get out of here before we freeze to death.'

Yunhee sniffed and pulled her collar closer around her neck. She didn't want to leave the warehouse, but there was always tomorrow.

'How do you feel about Soju and Kimchi soup?' her aid asked as she followed him across the cracked concrete. 'I know a place in Dongjak-gu that-'

'Jin,' Yunhee halted when a waft of air tickled her face and picked up her hair, 'wait.'

Jin turned first, his mouth dropping open and his dark brows shooting up as he glanced over her shoulder.

A tiny gasp left Yunhee's mouth and she turned, too, stunned to see a hazy glow emitting from the stone.

'Well, holy shit,' he uttered as Yunhee slowly walked towards it. Her heart fluttered to life when she crouched to pick up the scrap of paper that had just materialised. 'What is it?'

Yunhee choked on a bout of laughter, her fingers shaking as she read the note in her hand.

I'm coming for you, Little Legs.

'It's him.'

The End

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